Daniel, John Kreese and Johnny

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Daniel LaRusso showed up at the dojo at 3:45. He wanted to show that he took the lessons seriously. Johnny was already outside. "Hey Johnny, how's it going?"

"Just great, LaRusso. I know I'm going to enjoy training the guy who took my girl."

"Hey, look man, I had no idea you guys were so serious. I can back off. Just like Sensei Kreese said, there's plenty of girls."

Johnny sighed, "She was my first real girlfriend. I cared about her."

Daniel nodded. "Yeah I get it. I had a serious girl named Judy back in Newark. Broke my heart that I had to leave her. Still not over her." He held out his hand. "Look, I'm going to back off Alli. I'd rather have friends like Cobra Kai than just one girl that will probably dump me soon."

"You bet she'll dump you soon, she is coming back to me." Johnny said as he took Daniel's hand. "Know what LaRusso, you're alright." They both went into the dojo.

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"Aww how sweet, you ladies kissed and made up. Warms my heart." Sensei John Kreese said.

Both boys bowed to him. "All right gentlemen, time to get down to business. Mr. Lawrence, warm up Mr. LaRusso. Then show him basic punching and kicking. I've got a phone call to make. Then I'll see his progress." He left and went into his office.

Daniel warmed up then did punching and kicking drills. Johnny had him hitting and kicking pads. "Need more power in your punches, use your whole body not just your arm." Daniel only had to be told once, then he corrected himself.

The Lesson was interrupted by John Kreese  shouting from the office. . "Yes I know what day it is, why do you call it an anniversary? I don't want to talk about it! That's in the past. Talking about your feelings is bullshit! What are you, a shrink! Leave it alone!" 

 Talking about your feelings is bullshit! What are you, a shrink! Leave it alone!" 

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Johnny looked uncomfortable and muttered. "Dammit every time Sensei talks to him, he loses his shit!"

Daniel pretended like he didn't hear anything. He stood still until Johnny told him to punch again.

When Sensei Kreese came out, both boys bowed. "Alright LaRusso, show me what you've got." Daniel punched and kicked. Showed Sensei his front kick, roundhouse kick and reverse punch. "Good job, for now. You too Mr. Lawrence. I think Mr. LaRusso could be ready for class in a week." He bowed to both boys. "Class dismissed."

Sensei walked towards the changing rooms. Daniel looked at Johnny. "You hungry? My mom works at the restaurant across the street."

Johnny grinned and nodded. "Hell yeah! I could eat."

"You think Sensei Kreese would like to go?" Daniel asked.

"I guess so, I'll ask him." Johnny said as he walked towards the changing room.

Daniel stood outside the rooms to wait for them. He was shocked to hear pounding from the changing room. Johnny came running out fully dressed. "What's up?" Daniel asked. Johnny shook his head and put a finger to his lips. "Later." Daniel nodded.

John Kreese came out fully dressed. "See you tomorrow, gentlemen 4:00 sharp."

"Sensei, Johnny and I were going to grab something to eat at my Mom's restaurant, want to join us?"

"Is your mom working tonight?" John Kreese asked.

"Yes, she's on the dinner shift." Daniel said.

John Kreese grinned. "Sure, I'm starving."

The three of them walked to the restaurant. Daniel couldn't help noticing that John Kreese kept glancing behind him. His eyes constantly darted from side to side. When they arrived at the restaurant, before entering, Kreese scanned the entire room. When they went to sit down at a front booth. John Kreese shook his head. Then walked to the back of the restaurant and sat at a table. He sat with his back to the wall.

Daniel glanced at Johnny. But Johnny shook his head and pretended not to notice his sensei's odd behavior. When Daniel's mother arrived to take their order, Johnny Lawrence stood up and shook her hand, "I'm Johnny Lawrence."

John Kreese smiled at her. "Nice to see you again." Lucille smiled back at him.

"You know each other?" Johnny asked.

"I met him at the dojo last week when I dropped off some coupons." Lucille said. "After that, he came to the restaurant every day for lunch."

John Kreeseshurgged his shoulders. "I like the food." He then winked at Lucille. 

Mrs. LaRusso then took everybody's order. The restaurant became crowded and noisy, since it was the dinner rush. Loud arguing  from the kitchen could be heard.   After the food arrived, everybody ate. During the entire meal, John Kreese was on edge, he constantly scanned the crowded room. He ate very fast. When he got up to go to the bathroom, he looked behind him. After he came out of the bathroom, he jumped when he heard a loud crash from the kitchen. Somebody dropped dishes. Several more crashes followed, by cussing and yelling. John Kreese's eyes narrowed and his mouth grimaced. He put a hand on his chest. Then ran out of the restaurant. Daniel got up to go after him, but Johnny grabbed him by the arm. "Let him go. He sometimes does that. It's just his quirks. He'll be fine tomorrow."

"Are you sure? He looked pretty bad."

"It'll be fine. Don't worry about it and don't make a big scene. It's cool."

"What happened at the dojo? All the pounding."

Johnny sighed. "Sensei sometimes punches walls when he's overwhelmed. He called Terry Silver, his old Vietnam war buddy. Kreese loses his shit sometimes after their phone calls."

"He needs help. Can't you see that?"

"Leave it alone LaRusso. Me and the rest of the guys are used to it. Sensei can handle his own shit." Johnny said.

"Alright, I guess you'd know. I'll mind my own business."

"Look it's cool you're concerned, but Kreese is a bad ass. He doesn't need any help."

Daniel nodded. "He sure is."

Johnny looked at his watch. "I got to go. Promised my mom I'd be home by 8:00."

"See you later, man." Daniel said. Daniel's mom walked to the table and said goodbye.

After Johnny left, Daniel's mom looked at him. "What's up with Mr. Kreese. He looked upset?"

"I don't know. Guess he got startled by all the noise."

"Oh my. Hey, you mentioned he fought in Vietnam. Your Uncle Louie fought in Vietnam. He was never the same after that awful war! Nobody who came back from that war was the same. They got shell shocked. Kreese looked like that when he ran out of here."  Lucille said. 

"Yeah, well Johnny says, Kreese can handle his own shit" Daniel said while looking sheepish. "Sorry ma, but that's what he said.

"Alright. You know, I'd keep an eye on Mr. Kreese. Things like this can get out of hand. Be careful."

"I will mom." 

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