Daneil rides home

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When the Cobra kai kids arrived at the restaurant, they sit down. Mrs. LaRusso came over and took their order. "Hey guys nice to finally meet you." Each of the boys greeted Mrs. LaRusso. After she left to give the orders to the kitchen, the boys talked.

"Wow, that lesson from Sensei Kreese was pretty intense." Daniel said. "Did you guys know about him being a prisoner of war?"
Johnny shook his head. "He never told me that. I knew he fought in Nam, but nothing that intense." The rest of the boys nodded and looked uncomfortable.

"I'm surprised Sensei got so personal. That's the most I've heard him talk about himself, ever. Sensei Kreese never talks about his past." Jimmy said.'

"Why should he?" Dutch said, "Let the past be in the past."

"Is that such a good thing?" Bobby asked. "Today we learned about what his teaching mean. We learned a lot about him." Bobby shrugged. "Made him more human."

Tommy said, "We learned he was an even bigger bad ass than we thought. Sensei Kreese survived being a prisoner of war and never broke, no matter how hard they beat him."

Just then, Lucille came back to the table with their drinks. She looked thoughtful and upset. Daniel looked at her, "You okay ma?" "Yeah Danny, just tired. I had long day. But hey, my shifts almost over."

"Are you going home right away, cause the guys wanted me to hang out with them." Daniel asked.

"No, I um, have, sort of I guess ,a date. We're just having coffee. " Lucille whispered and blushed at the same time. Daniel and Johnny looked at each other. Johnny laughed, and Daniel put his head on the table. The other boys looked puzzled.

Daniel nodded. "Okay, then you won't mind if I stay out late."

"Mister, you better be home by eleven." Mrs. LaRusso said. "Aw, Ma. Come on there's no school tomorrow."

"That's why who can stay out till eleven. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work."

After Lucille left, another waitress brought the boys food. Tommy said, "Hey Daniel don't worry about it, your mom might stay out all night with her new friend, we can have a party at your place."

Daniel choked on his food. Johnny, who was drinking a soda, spit it out and laughed. "What's so funny?" Tommy asked. Daniel said, "Never mind." Johnny was about to speak but Daniel held up his hand, "You don't' know if it's him." Johnny shrugged. "I thought it's obvious he'd ask her out." Daniel said, "If that's true I doubt he'd want people talking about his personal life." Johnny said, "Yeah, he'd kick our asses for sure." Tommy asked, "Who are we talking about. Who's dating Daniels mom? " Daniel and Johnny both yell, "Never mind Tommy!" Dutch chimes in, "Why should we give a rats ass who LaRusso's mom is dating?" Daniel throws up his hands screaming and runs out of the restaurant. The boys chase after him. "Hey man, what's wrong?" Jimmy asks. Dutch yells, "You're crazy, LaRusso." Tommy yells, "That's why he's perfect for Cobra Kai."

The boys get on their bikes. "Hey Danny, you should man up and get one of these. Ditch that whussy thing." Johnny said as he pointed at Daniel's bike. Daniel said, "No dude, this bike can do shit that can't do. Watch this." Daniel did a few BMX bike tricks like popping wheelies and spinning on one wheel. "I was the BMX champ in Jersey."

"Yeah, but that's cute, but can that thing go fast." Johnny revved up his engine and sped away from the restaurant. "Try to catch me." Dutch yelled. Daniel got on his bike and pedaled it after Johnny. Johnny yelled over his shoulder, "I'll make it easier; I'll keep it in first gear and ride the brake." The other boys got on their bikes and rode after Daniel and Johnny. Daniel caught up with Johnny, "Hey man that bike may be fast, but this bike can go places that can't."

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