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dear mark, 28/09/2056

you were always prettier than me.

you were always smarter than me

you were always more kind than me.

so why did you have to go?

why couldn't I be the one to go, so you could be happy?

I mean I'm worthless and you are priceless. You mean the world to your parents while my parents don't even notice me anymore.

why did you go mark?


I'm remember watching this show and the main character ended up like you. Everyone was happy and moved on and just waited.

What can't that be reality? Why do they make it seem on tv that everything is easy going but really it isn't? When really I'm suffering as much as you are. But you aren't here to help.

I'm glad you are hooked to machines that are going to save you. but who knows when you are going to wake up.

please come back soon


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