Chapter Twenty One: Kate's POV

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Chapter Twenty One: Kate's POV

I laughed as Kyle hugged me from behind, catching me of guard and smiling at me. When I turned around to hug him back, I saw Jack. I felt a pang of guilt, shock, and even sorrow at the sight of him. Then I realized something I wish I hadn't; I missed him. I missed him a lot. As soon as I saw him, though, he looked away quickly. I looked up at Kyle and suddenly knew why. He probably thought that I was dating Kyle, which I wasn't. I wasn't really dating anyone right now.

Sure, Isabelle and Kristy tried setting me up with countless guys but I didn't really like any of them. Yeah, they were cute and nice and all, but I couldn't stop the constant comparisons to Jack going on in my head.

I couldn't figure out why this was going on or why I couldn't go on any second dates with a guy. But then I realized it was simple- I wasn't over Jack yet and probably wouldn't be for a while. I really loved him and that's not something you can just let go of right away.

"Kate, what's wrong?" Kyle asked. I didn't even realize that the pain I was feeling showed up on my face until he acknowledged it.

"Oh, nothing," I said breezily, or at least I tried to make it sound breezy.

"What's really wrong?" Isabelle knew I wasn't telling the truth.

"Nothing, I'm fine, guys! I'm just hungry! Can we go to the food court please?" I requested, forcing a fake smile and a cheerful voice.

"Ok..." they both said reluctantly, leading me towards the food court even though they weren't fully convinced I was ok.

When we sat down at a table with our food, I saw jack again. I decided I wanted to talk to him, so I made a quick excuse about having to go to the bathroom and walked towards him. Once he saw me nearing him, I could tell he was just as shocked by my actions as I was. I started to rethink talking to him and wasn't sure it was the best thing to do. But he'd already seen me, so I couldn't simply change my mind and walk back to the table.

"Hey," I said when I reached him. I made sure to stand not too close but not too far from him. If I stood too far I'd seem rude and if I stood too close... well that just wouldn't be good for many reasons. Mainly because it would make me want him again, which wouldn't help the whole getting over him thing.

"Hey," he responded, giving Cameron a look of 'please go away.' I smiled at him and he smiled back before walking away, saying he had to go to a store. "So how have you been?"

"Great," I lied.

"You don't look like you're great," he said in a concerned tone. I sighed, guessing he knew me better than that. He'd always said my eyes gave me away, and I'm sure they were filled with sadness and regret right now.

"I've been ok," I lied again, not wanting him to know how unhappy I'd been without him. I knew he wouldn't have any sympathy towards me since I was the one who'd ended it.

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