Chapter Twenty Two: Jack's POV

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Chapter Twenty Two: Jack's POV

I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me. It was Kate. Yep, that's right, Kate was talking to me. I smiled smugly in my head when I realized she left Kyle to talk to me. When she started talking, though, I could tell she wasn't ok. I'd asked her how she was and she said she was great. I didn't believe her one bit because she just looked so sad.

So I told her she didn't seem so great. I know it could've sounded like I was being rude, but I was just trying to find out what was wrong. I thought maybe it was because of the breakup, but then I had to remind myself that she broke up with me so that couldn't be it.

Her expression softened at my comment and she replied, "I've been ok." I knew she still wasn't being truthful with me, but I didn't want to press the matter any further. She obviously didn't want to tell me, so I wasn't going to beg or anything. "How are you?" she asked sweetly when I didn't respond. Oops, guess I was too lost in her eye- NO! Jack, you cannot do this. You're not with her anymore and you never will be so don't get attached all over again, I bitterly reminded myself.

"Oh, I'm just dandy," I replied a little too enthusiastically, sounding like a complete idiot. Man, the things this girl does to me. Apparently it was a good thing to say, though, because she laughed. Seeing her laugh made me incredibly happy. Ok, so maybe it was fine if she wasn't with me. She was still happy and that's all that mattered to me in the end.

"Well that's good," she tried to smile and I smiled back. Seeing her upset for a reason I didn't know was upsetting me also. I knew I couldn't do anything about it, which bothered me even more.

We stood there smiling at each other and for a second, I thought maybe there was something between us again. "I should get back to Isabelle and Kyle." Her smile faded and I realized I was only kidding myself. She didn't like me anymore, and now was definitely a good time to accept that and move on finally.

"Oh, all right, tell them I said hi." I requested, trying to sound happy.

"Will do, and it was really good to see you again, Jack." Was that a hint of longing in her eyes I saw?! No, it couldn't be. She was just being nice. I smiled at her and said 'you too,' before she slowly walked back over to who she'd come with. i stood there stupidly for a second, watching her walk away, before realizing I had to find Cameron.

I located him in a shoe store and I laughed at the bored expression on his face. He turned around and glared at me before also starting to laugh.

"Hey man, enjoying your shopping?" I asked teasingly, knowing he hated shopping.

"Sure, whatever, so how's Kate?" he asked bluntly, walking out of the store with me following.

"I don't know. She said she's good but I can tell she isn't."

"Dude what are you doing? You need to go get that girl back! You love her and you know she loves you!" he insisted and I wished he was right.

"No, she doesn't love me and I can't get her back. Besides, I think she's with Kyle now." I choked out venomously, not liking that guy very much.

"Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. But I know for a fact she still loves you. Ok this sounds stupid but I could just see it in her eyes. She's not over you, and you're not over her. You need to get her back."

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