Chapter Thirty: Boys Will Be Boys

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A/N: Hello folks, and welcome to another chapter!

That's right, this is a quick turnaround time for me, but what can I say? I've been mad inspired lately, so here we go. Gearing up to see how Mel navigates through these troublesome waters, my god, I'M SO HYPED!

Please READ/VOTE/COMMENT/SHARE your thoughts, I love reading them all (:

Special S/O to @intoxihatred @anals5383 @jkbrady @hermionaise, your comments and words of encouragement are what keep me going. Much love!

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Happy Reading x

"You two know each other?" Jake asked, looking slightly wide-eyed between me and him.

In all his twisted glory, Winston Baker sat silently in front of me, looking for an explanation to come out of my mouth.

Yes, the same Winston that tricked me into thinking he was a mere waiter at the Baker brunch over thanksgiving. The very Vince who spilled about Chloe and Collin's messy past. The menace that asked me, and I quote, what my damage was, without even knowing me.

I couldn't come up with any more reasons for why my life had suddenly morphed into a Stephen King novel.

Maybe Nicole was stabbing a voodoo doll with my name on it!

Next to him, Collin continued to chomp down on his chocolate, disinterested in the whole charade. The twins, however, were more than engaged in this conversation.

Gulping down, I shifted my gaze and nodded to Jake that I did know Winston.

This seemed to have frustrated my poor friend more because he pressed his mouth into a thin line, and muttered exasperatedly, "How?" Pointing his eyebrows towards Collin's direction, he went on, "And you still haven't told me how you know Tinkerbell over there?"

If that wasn't Jake itching to pick a fight, I don't know what was. Collin's ears definitely perked up at this comment and he was glaring at Jake, theatrically rising from his seat.

Uh oh, we definitely awoke the beast.

"What the f--k did you call me?" Collin screeched, at a decibel that was frankly unnecessary, given how closely we were all seated around the dining table.

Neighboring students shot us dirty looks, partially for the noise but also at Collin's use of expletives. I was thankful that there were no teachers in sight though. I was fairly certain St. Petersburg had a no-swearing policy, but alas, that would just be one more thing that Collin ignored.

Jake threw his hands up, not taking back what he had just said. I shot my arm out defensively, placing one across Jake's chest and raising the other in Collin's direction, motioning him to calm down.

Boy, his PMS was non-stop!

"Guys, let's not make a scene," Zoe intervened, nudging Vince to relax his friend. I'm sure a scandal at the head table was cause for school gossip, and Zoe didn't seem the kind to like that rep. Noah just looked amused but didn't stop munching on his ham sandwich.

Collin didn't budge though. His forehead was creased and his nostrils were flaring. I noticed his fisted hand on the table and didn't know if a fight was about to break out. Even Jake looked slightly taken aback from Collin's disproportionate reaction.

Where was our zen Mr. Miyagi aka Nathaniel Smith when you needed him!

Before the situation could become any more escalated, I mouthed a 'sorry' to the table and grabbed Jake by his arm, tugging him out of the hall. From the periphery of my eye, I caught Vince pulling Collin down to his seat as we left but was left wondering why he hadn't bothered stepping in before.

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