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When Eddard came home to Catelyn Stark, who held two babes in her arms, she had never been so mad. Her husband had another child with some whore.

She hadn't spoken to him for weeks. Then when he told her they were keeping the bastard, she wanted to smack him. She was so mad, she forgot to introduce him to his other two children.

The oldest, Emma Stark, and her youngest, Robb Stark. She later learned the bastards name, Jon Snow, named after the man who practilly raised Ned, Jon Arryn.

Catelyn wanted to make sure that her children would never go near the disgrace of a child, but Ned told her she would do no such thing. He looked at his new children, Emma looked more like Jon then her actual twin, which meant she had more of a Stark look to her.

Rob on the other hand inharited more of his mother looks. He promised then he would love them a till the day he died.

When Emma, Robb, and Jon heard about Catelyn going into labor once again, they rushed quickly to their father, who was pacing back and forth outside the door. Ned looked at them, all dirty from playing out in the mud.

" Go clean yourselves up. Your mother will have a heart attack if she sees you like that." Robb and Jon left, but Emma stayed behind. " If it's a girl, will mother love it more than me?" Ned stopped moving.

" What ever gave you a thought like that my sweet girl?" He asked, squaring down to reach the same level as her. " I know she's disappointed in me," Nee looked down, Catelyn never did try to hole back her disappointment. " Don't let that stop doing what you love, and what you believe in," he told his daughter.

" Because if you state doing what everyone else wants you to do, then who will you be?" He asked, Emma had a smile on her face now. " Now go along, make sure that Robb and Jon hasn't drowned," she nodded and he watched as her little legs take her away. He knew once the time was right, he'd have to talk to his wife. He did not want to have his children being force into a life they did not want.

Catelyn watched as her son and daughter fought in the mud. Hearing the practice swords clash against one another. She looked down at her one year old daughter, Sansa, and prayed to the Old God's and the New, that she would turn out to be a prober lady.

Once Emma was on the ground, she huffed. She hated it when someone would beat her. She heard Robb laughing and she got even more angry. " You won't be laughing when it's you on the ground and me laughing." She yelled at him. She looked up and saw her mother with a smirk. Maybe if she was thrown on the ground enough, she would learn that it is not a women's place to fight with swords.

Emm knew exactly what she was thinking, and vowed that day she would beat her mother at her own game.

Emma walked the dark damp Halls of Winterfell. She was getting used to being in a dress and in heels. She heard her brother, Bran, running behind her. As she began to walk faster, she heard the click of her heels get louder.

Before he could catch her she took a sharp turn left and Bran kept running forward. He was confused at what had happened, to him it looked like she disappeared, he came to a stop.

" Boo!"

He screamed and turned around, only to find his older sister holding her stomach, and laughing. Bran shoved her as she continued laughing. " I'm sorry my little warrior, but gods be damned, that was hilarious." She said.

Bran's cheeks were dark red due to embarrassment. " Shut up!" He yelled at her. " Come on, I'll make it up to you." She said to him. Bran looked up at her. " Why are you wearing a dress?" He asked her. She smiled. " Would you like to wear one?" She asked.

" No!" He said like it was poision. Emma began walking again and he followed her. They were at the door way to the kitchen. She looked down at Bran and put her finger to her mouth. He stayed there, while she went sneaking in the kitchen.

She came back a moment later with a tray of treats. " Let's go!" She said and ran. Bran followed again. Once they reached outside they heard there little direwolve pups following them.

They stopped at the broken tower, looked at each other, knowing the plan. She pulled out cloth, Bran hadn't even known she had, and wrapped the treats in it. She put put the now wrapped treats in her pocket.

Once finished she began climbing. When they reached the top, Bran sat down next to Emma. She pulled out the treats and handed him them. She smiled while she watched him shove them all down his face.

" Why is mother so busy and stressed?" Bran asked, Emma looked at him. " Because the King is coming." She said. " Maybe you'll be able to show the King how strong you are and he'll add you to his Kingsgaurd." She said with a smile.

Bran loved Emma because she supported his love of fighting, even if he wasn't that good yet. " I wish I was as good as you." He said. " One day, I'm sure you'll be better. No matter what, don't give up." She told him. " Come on, mother will be mad if she finds us up here." She told him, he nodded in agreement and they began there way down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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