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"No, he did not!" Hye Soo gasped.

They've been talking for over an hour now. Yeong Gi was downright drunk at this point, so was Hye Soo, but the two didn't seem that loopy to everyone else. Though the bartender has been giving them concerned looks every now and then. They were still at the bar but none of them has had another drink. They must've known unconsciously that they've had enough and they could only do so much in reining themselves in.

Yeong Gi shrugged his shoulders. "That's my older brother for you."

"He's mean. I don't like him."

"That makes the two of us, then." But do I really? Yeongi Gi's mind was screaming yes. But then again, Kousuke has always been indifferent to him. Pushing him away has been Yeong Gi's earliest memory of his brother. They may be siblings at the end of the day but that memory Yeong Gi can never justify. It's like his first emotional scar. And no matter how many years had passed, it's still in the process of healing. Yeong Gi can't think of the day when it'll fully heal, though. Maybe not in this lifetime.

This night was really full of revelation because Yeong Gi found out that drunk him was emotional. Next thing he know, he was tearing up and sobbing. "All I wanted was to be his brother!"

Hye Soo was quick to console him. She rubbed soothing circles on his back. "You're not the problem here. Look, I know I just met you like an hour ago but I can really tell that you're a good person. You're kind and warm but I think you can be a little annoying sometimes. Just a guess." Yeong Gi chuckled through his tears. "And if your brother doesn't see and appreciate that, frankly it's his loss."

"Thank y—"

"You know what? It's your family's loss! No offense, kid, but it sounds like they all suck. And—shh, shh, it's all right. You don't have to defend them. I heard what I needed to hear and you," Hye Soo clapped her palms on each side of Yeong Gi's cheeks, cupping his face. "You deserve so much better." She was getting teary-eyed too. "Oh my gosh, you look like a puppy. Can I adopt you?"

And then Yeong Gi was sobbing again. "They didn't even let me have a dog when I was little!"

When someone suggests that you should go crash your brother's place and give him a piece of your mind, you normally would have to decline. If Yeong Gi was in a sober state of mind, he definitely would be against the idea. But he's drunk. And emotional. And he seriously wanted to tell Kousuke off.

The two of them were pushing away at the bar. "It's a good idea!" Hye Soo was saying, prying Yeongi Gi away from the counter. "It's due time this brother of yours learn how much of an asshole he is."

"I-I'd rather not." Even intoxicated, he was still wary of his older brother. Although he was considering the idea.

"Then I'll do it for you!" Hye Soo was getting excited. Oh, she'll give this Kousuke guy an earful, all right. How dare he be a shitty person? And to his own family nonetheless? If that was his own brother, she'd have taught him a lesson long ago.

Yeong Gi tried pulling back Hye Soo albeit reluctantly and with little to no force. "We can't get there, we're drunk." He surprised himself that he was aware.

"I'll have my driver get us there. Come on!" Now Hye Soo's the one pulling Yeong Gi out of the room and out of the party.

The two of them really didn't appear that drunk to people because once they got to Kousuke's apartment building, Yeong Gi just gave the front desk his name and they were immediately accommodated and was let up.

"Just go back to the party. My brothers has no ride home if you wait for me." Hye Soo was assuring her chauffeur that she was fine on her own.

"But Ms. Nam—"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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