Chapter 2

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Okay guys, sorry for the last chappie, it was a little short, but I wanted to know if it was worth continuing.   Anyway, On with the story!


As I climbed onto the bus auntie Helen grabbed my wrist, she isn't really my auntie, but she is close to our  family and insist I call her by it. 

"Here, Gem." She handed me a card and a little box. "Now, get to your seat, and happy birthday!" She called down to me as I made my way to an emptysaet near the back. I could see my relection faitly in the tinted window. My creamy pale skin looked ghostly white and my hair seemed to have grown an inch or so since I last checked it properly. It had darkened to ebony black as i brushed my slightly long fringe out of my eyes. They had gotten a slightly darker green. I looked back down at the presant that Helen had givven to me and looked at the small card. Inside it wrote 'Happy Birthday, my little iced Gem. love, Helen x' I smiled to myself  as I opened the smal box and pulled out a charm bracelet, it had 3 skull and cross bones, 2 black checked heart, and right in the middle there was a G charm, and on the back carved into it was 'Happy Birthday'. My smile grew as I wrapped it gently around myboney wrist and set it on the tightest setting.

As the bus pulled into it's space infront of the school I grabbed my Dark Dudes bag and stood up as it came to a hault, already at the front of the bus. 

"Have a good day, Gem." Helen called out to me as I got off the bus and went into the main building.

I continued walking to my french class where I took my seat next to my best friend, Cameron. He smiled up at me as I dumped my bag on the floor as I sat down. I've always been friends with him ever since I could remember, I had allways considered him as a friend, but I had to admit, he did look good. 

He had almost white-blonde hair that flopped to the right slightly and bright green eyes, he had pale skin that burnt if he stayed out in the sun to long, and he had a smile that could turn your knees wobbily. He was smart to, good in most subjects, and for that I was extremely greatful, 'cause he always helped. He likes animals too, he has his own dog, a German Sheperd called Daisy.

"Here Gemma." He handed me a ring box, and I opened it and saw a necklace. It was half a heart, and it had a small gem and a & sighn and then my name. He pulled out his other half that was already on a chain around his neck. I smiled. "Thanks" I aloud him to do it up around my neck as I was holding my hair up. 

"Done" He said, as I swivled around back to facing him. 

"Right class, since Mrs Sinclaire is on maternity leave, you will be havig a subsitute." Miss Wrathall anounced. 


Who is the new french teacher?!?! Read more to find out after I update!

Hope you guys have liked and hopefully its a bit longer and I didn't do that bad on spelling and grammar! x

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