1 . Portal Station

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It was a quiet morning in Toon City.

Toons have just begun waking up, the more early wakers already awake getting ready to start their day.

Mickey being one of those toons, seeing he as usually wakes up at 7:30

After the mouse finished washing up, he slicked back his ears and grinned in the mirror, his large circular ears sprung back in place after a couple moments however.

Despite his ear's refusing to comply with his attempt to make him look a little more handsome, Mickey continued to smile at his reflection.

Lately, more toons have been moving into Toon City. Like Jack the O'lantern, Gray the Singing Wolf, Cuphead and Mugman.

Mickey was glad to meet new toons, and today two others would be joining the city.

"It was Bendy the Dancing.... Toon I believe? And Boris the Wolf" the mouse nodded to himself, "Yeah, Bendy the Dancing Toon and Boris the Wolf!".

Mickey skipped down the hall, whistling his signature tune.

'I'm sure Gray will be excited to meet another wolf toon!' he thought to himself.

On his way down he did his usual routine of waking the current guests.

The toons who still haven't gotten their houses built yet are allowed to stay in Disney Castle until they're able to move out, it's usually only the newer toons who have just moved in two or more months ago.

First down the hall was Jack.

Mickey knocked on the pumpkin's door, "Time to wake up Jack!".

He heard a muffled voice saying "I'll be ready in a moment" behind the door.

The mouse then continued down the hall.

Next would be Gray.

Mickey reached to knock on the door, only to be interrupted by a low growl.

'Best leave Gray's room from now on' he thought to himself.

A cold sweat dripped down his forehead as he nervously shuffled away, soon breaking into a full sprint towards the ceramic cup brother's room.

He really did not wanting to be around the wolf when she wakes up.

Mickey quickly knocked on the door as he skidded to a stop infront of the brother's room.

"Time to wake up!" the mouse sang, his tail swinging from left to right "Two new toons are coming in today!".


After everyone ate breakfast, Mickey hurried all the toons into the car.

"You guys excited to meet our newest toons?"

Mickey turned his head back to face the back,

Cuphead and Mugman were too busy talking amongst themselves,

Jack was fidgeting with his vine fingers too nervous to answer back,

and Gray had crawled into a ball and was staring out the window.

"I'll take that as a yes," the mouse chuckled and started up the red and white car, beginning the drive to Portal Station.


After arriving they all scurried off the vehicle, Gray trudged out behind them.

Infront was a large structure, a huge clock at the top of the opening and beautiful garden. The building was shaped like pacman, so the mouth part would be facing the front.

"I forgot how pretty this place was" Mugman's eyes twinkled.

Upon entering the giant building, the group of five found themselves surrounded by bustling toons and dozens of hallways.

"H-How do we know which one to go to?" Jack scratched the back of his head, glancing nervously around the large station.

Mickey pat the pumpkin headed toon on the shoulder, "I took a note for which hall and portal to go to!" he grinned and took out a neatly folded piece of paper.

"Alright," the mouse mumbled to himself, "Hall S, Silly Vision Studios!" his voice now loud enough for the other four to hear.

"There's Hall S!" Cuphead pointed out, they all turned their heads towards where Cup pointed to.

"And off we go!"

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