3 . Questions

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Almost as soon as they reached the road, the two Sillyvision toons were bombarded with questions.

"What's your favourite color?"

"Ah geez I can't really cho-"

"What do you guys like to eat?"

"Well we've only had bacon sou-"

"Do you guys like games?"

"We love th-"

"Do you know any other toons?"

"W-Well uh.." Boris glanced over at Bendy, his smile still never faltering.

The two cups were quick to keep the questions coming however.

"What's it like at Sillyvision?"

"It's kinda persona-"

"Why's Bendy always smiling?"

The wolf quickly looked over at the other toon.

Bendy's smile still never fell, not even by a millimeter.

Boris sighed in relief, usually anything related to Bendy's smile sets him off.

"The questions are getting a little personal you two, and you're not even letting them answer!" Mickey chuckled.

"How about we stick to the simpler questions?" the two brothers nodded and apologized to Boris and Bendy.

"Oh! How old are you guys?" Mugman asked.

"I think we were made in.... 1920? Or was it 1930?" the wolf turned to Bendy, who was holding up 3 fingers.

"1930!" Boris turned back to the front.

"That makes you guys 89!" Cuphead exclaimed.

Boris then shook his head, "Well I was made in 1930, Bendy was made in 1929".

Almost everyone in the minivan stared in shock.

"Wait.... Bendy's older than you?!" Cuphead laughed in disbelief, "there's no way someone as short as him could be older than you! I mean like, you're double the size of him!"

The wolf chuckled, finding their reaction humorous.

"We're here!" the engine died down.

Boris gaped at the castle before him.

"We're gonna be staying here?" his tail began to wag in delight as he pounced out out of the van.

Bendy grabbed their bags from the back and joined everyone inside.

"This place is HUGE!" Boris twirled around in the hallway, nearly bumping into some of the decorations.

The cup brothers joined Boris in his little 'dance recital', laughing together.

"Be careful now! I don't want you guys hurting yourselves!" Mickey shouted towards the three, "We will Mickey!" Mugman yelled back.

The mouse chuckled to himself and turned to Gray.

"Could you take Bendy to his room for me? I need to watch these fellas and make sure they don't break anything," Mickey grinned as the wolf grumbled in reply.

"Thanks Gray!" Mickey ran off towards the other toons, waving goodbye to Bendy and Gray.

Jack frantically looked between the two groups.

He then decided to chase after Mickey and the twirling toons.

"Wait up for me!"

Now the choice is up to you,
who will we stick with?

=> Mickey's group

=> Gray and Bendy

Comment on your desision!

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