2 . A Wolf and a Toon

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The group of five swiftly made their way towards Hall S.

Upon entering the hallway, they instantly spotted several portals lined up along the wall.

Signs hung outward indicating which studio it teleported to.

"Looks like Sillyvision's portal is farther ahead" Mickey looked back at the group, who all nodded.

As they finally reached the portal, they noticed the portals color to be a light tan, the sign above appeared to be handmade and almost ready to fall off it's hinges.

"Yikes..." Jack muttered under his breath, a bit scared of what kind of toons will come out.

A few moments later two toons popped out of the portal.

One was a tall friendly looking wolf, he wore tan overalls and held a brown suitcase covered in patches in his gloved hands.

The other was an extremely short.... Toon? He wore a tan beanie, a tan sweater, black dance shoes and typical white gloves.

Both of the toons held never faltering smiles on their faces.

The shorter toon's smile looked as if he was designed to always smile, and never show any other emotion.

"Hello! My name's Mickey, I'm the person you'll be living with for a while!" the mouse took out his hand infront of the shorter toon.

Instead the wolf took his hand and shook it gleefully.

"My name's Boris! Bendy over here doesn't really like touching" he chuckled.

"A little piece of advice," Boris leaned in closer, "He doesn't talk much so best to ask yes or no questions".

The rest of the group nodded, and they headed their way back towards the car.

"How are we all gonna fit?" Cuphead asked, realizing the car was full on their way to the portal station.

"Don't worry about it!" Mickey smirked and snapped his fingers.

The once red car began spinning into a red minivan.

the toons stood in awe, while Gray and Bendy showed no change in emotion.

After they all stuffed themselves in, Mickey started up the engine.

Let the questioning begin.

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