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Bakugo expected to see a few small cuts here and there, no where near to what he saw. Kirishima's was littered in vertical and horizontal cuts. Some were artificial but others... it could only be described as carnage. You couldn't see skin anymore on his wrist, it was purely scars, cuts, and scabs.

Bakugo felt his heart drop. For once he was at a loss. All he could think to do was pull the boy into a hug. Kirishima went wide eyed as he expected a slap or a punch, most definitely not a hug. Bakugo held him tight and buried his head into Kirishima's neck. They sat in peace like that for a few seconds before Bakugo interrupted the silence.

"Where else?" He whispered. Bakugo was no fool. He knew that he wouldn't cut so much in one place without at least making a few cuts elsewhere. Kirishima sighed. He knew there was no way of getting out of this.

Kirishima pulled his hoodie over his head slowly. Bakugo felt some tears form in his eyes, which he quickly wiped away. Both wrists looked the same. His shoulders, hips, sides, and chest had all been cut up badly. He proceeded to rolling up his shorts to reveal his equally mangled thighs.

Without saying anything, Bakugo stood up, making Kirishima panic. The blonde walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Kirishima felt the fear of rejection creep up his spine. Shortly after, Bakugo re-emerged, now obtaining a first aid kit. Kirishima was taken aback. Bakugo knelt before him, cleaning every wound and delicately bandaging them. After an hour, Bakugo had finally finished cleaning and bandaging the battered boy.

"Here's what's going to happen. You are going to take me into your room and you are going to give me all of your blades. I hate to be this strict and crack down on you so hard, but I'm genuinely afraid that you will kill yourself if you keep this up. After that, we are going to come back in here and you're going to explain all those bruises." Bakugo stated, gesturing to all the bruises that littered Kirishima's porcelain frame. Kirishima, still shocked, nodded slowly. He knew Bakugo wasn't going to give up on this. He slid his hoodie back on and rolled his shorts down.

"B-Bakugo I can't do this..." Kirishima blurted out as they entered his room. Bakugo cocked his head in confusion.

"I... I need my bl-blades... they h-help..." Kirishima put his head down in utter defeat. Bakugo grabbed both of his hands in reassurance.

"Kirishima. You don't need them. Please let me help, not them, but I can only do that if you tell me what's going on." Bakugo was genuinely trying to help him. Kirishima just nodded and pulled his hands away. Kirishima went around his room and retrieved every blade he'd hidden oh so well. Once he held all of them in his hands, he hesitated. He stared at them with longing.

"Please trust me, Kiri." He held onto them for a few seconds before reluctantly dropping the twenty-something blades into his best friend's hands.

"Thank you." Bakugo looked at him, genuinely proud of his friend. Kirishima put his head down.

"Now, I have some questions for you."

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