Secrets Always Get Revealed

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Lmao this story is TRAGIC (not tragic as in emotional. Tragic as in awful. It's exactly the same as basically every other sad fic out there but I'm getting away from that I swear.)

It had been 3 days. 3 fucking days since I'd been allowed to see Kiri. Some bullshit about only direct family being able to visit him in his psychiatric unit. Who gives a shit if I'm not his direct family?! As far as I was aware, he might as well not even have a family. Me, Mina, and Sero are the only people he had, but DAMNIT it was something. Family isn't defined by blood as far as I'm concerned. No relationship is defined by the label we put on them. Calling him your boyfriend doesn't mean you love him. It doesn't mean you care about him or anything! It means jack shit!

I slapped my palm against my forehead, attempting to clear those foggy thoughts out of my mind. Sitting on Mina's floor, I found my only comfort, if you could even call it that, in messing with her weird fluffy rug.

"Are you alright...?" Mina put her hand on my leg comfortingly.

"Fuck no, I'm not" I ran my fingers through my soft, blonde hair, harshly tugging on fistfuls of the strands until I felt a hand gently pull my wrist away from my hair.

"Stop that, Katsuki. The last thing we need is another one of us to be hurting themselves. Please. I can't do that again." Sero closed his eyes, forming a face emitting utter despair.

"You have no room to fucking talk." I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration directed at no one in particular.

"I- I don't-" Sero's eyes widened as he sputtered out his lies.

"Yeah? Show me your arms, then you can tell me to stop pulling my damn hair." I clenched my jaw. Sero parted his lips, looking like he wanted to say something, but shut his mouth just as quick as he opened. He swallowed hard, eyes fixated on the floor. Mina's eyes widened as she turned towards her black haired friend. She was obviously fighting back against a full on breakdown, shutting her eyes tight for a moment and took a deep breath.

"Come on." She whispered, sounding betrayed. She got off of her floor and started to walk towards the bathroom, stopping to turn to Sero, beckoning him to follow. Hesitantly, Sero got up and followed her to the bathroom. The door was left cracked as Mina forced Sero to sit on the side of the tub, before taking a seat on the floor in front of him, first aid kit in hand.

It was hard. It was hard to hear Mina choke back sobs and seeing Sero's face of guilt. I fucking hated seeing my fr- idiots so broken. I know there was nothing I could do, seeing as I was just as broken, if not more. The tears came as Sero stood up alongside Mina and started to talk, voice full of pain,

"I just... why... why should I be happy if he isn't... if he can't I don't wanna either. If I was just a better friend and checked in on him more and I-"

His rambling was cut off as the sound of sharp crack echoed throughout the room. My eyes and mouth were open wide in an instant. Sero held the side of his face as a red mark formed.

"Y-you can't- don't fucking-" Mina pulled him into a hug, his body easily towering over hers, "don't say that shit!" She sobbed.

"You can't say that!" She rambled, "if it's your fault it's even more mine... I fucking hate all this shit but Eijirou wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. No matter what!" Her sobs were heart wrenching to say the least. Sero placed his bandaged arms around Mina as they cried together.

I could not believe myself in that moment.

I hugged them and decided it was time. Time to tell them everything. Even about Kaminari.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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