"The New Kid..."

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First Day of High School (four years before the first chapter of UNWILLING)

"Hey, fill mine out for me," Hayden whispered as he slid his parking permit and medical forms across the table. They crunched softly against my elbow.

"I got my own to fill out," I said and pushed them back toward him.

He grinned and leaned closer. "But they might actually be able to read your handwriting."

"That's true," I whispered as the teacher closed the door then sat behind his desk.

The chair behind me scraped the floor as someone sat down.

"Excuse me."

I turned to look over my shoulder into the face of a boy almost too good looking. His features bordered on pretty but the sharp lines of his jaw and cheekbones keep him in the handsome box. Of course we knew there was a new family of kids who had moved into the area. Small town in Mississippi coupled with an even smaller county high school and there was no way to avoid knowing.

"Is this homeroom 3A?" The boy asked and held out his paper to me.

I scanned his page. "Yep, you're in the right place." I held out a hand. "I'm Neely and you must be Ivan."

"Andrew Huckley," he corrected. His eyes flicked toward Hayden as he shook my hand. His palm was very warm but dry against mine. A slight tingle raced up my arm as his fingers flexed. "Ivan is my father."

Hayden sniffed. "How's it going?" I saw the slight movement of his head nod in my peripheral vision.

"This is my best friend, Hayden Nelson," I said and took my hand back. I pressed the palm against my thigh resisting the urge to rub away the lingering tickle. "You finding your way around okay?"

"Sort of," Andrew said and but then frowned at the papers. "It's a little confusing compared to my old school."

"Let me see your schedule," I said and took the page he offered.

I studied the page then compared it to mine. "We both have history next so we can walk together."

"Thanks," he said and smiled wide enough to show me his molars.

Hayden shifted in his chair beside me. "We still have lunch together, right?"

I gave Andrew back his paper and swiveled to face Hayden. "Yeah, why?"

He looked past me as his eyes narrowed. "Just making sure."

Thank you so much for trying UNWILLING's series extras and I hope you enjoyed this small taste of book 1 in the Unwilling series. For the rest of the story, this book can be purchased at all major retailers. -KD

©2014 K.D. Wood

Published by Blue Tulip Publishing

UNWILLING and all related stories, excerpts and deleted scenes on the Wattpad account of the author, K.D. Wood, are the sole property of the author and are prohibited from being copied, displayed, discussed or electronically distributed without expressed written permission.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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