I miss you to the moon and back. You could be driving away from my house, 3 hours after seeing me, or you have been so busy we haven't seen each other in a month I miss you just the same. Well if I didn't see for a month I probably miss you way more then if you just left mostly because I'm still getting over the high of your kiss which can take 24 hours sometimes. You may think I'm crazy because of that, but I can't help it your lips are amazing. I can't wait till you come back down so I can see your cute face again and spend a little time with you even if it's just us cuddled up watching a movie. Which to be honest is one of my favorite things to do. I wasn't a touchy person till I found you and I still don't think there is anyone else that I will ever enjoy being touchy with as I enjoy it with you. You've probably read all of this in like 3 seconds and hopefully there is a little small on your face. I'll see you soon baby and I can't wait till then. If you miss me a crazy lot you have my number use it a little more. I'm always happy when I see your name pop up on my phone.