I get why you would miss them, your parents are pretty cool for being parents. Your mom likes to tell me stories about you which is great for me maybe in the long run it might suck for you though. Just remember you can FaceTime your parents, talk, and text to them when you miss them. I don't see your parents saying no to you coming home which I heard wasn't the best idea since you'll get home sick more when you are there. I know it will be hard, but enjoy yourself and don't think about anyone expect yourself. You might get mad at your parents at points, but they love you like crazy. It will be hard without them in your daily life helping you with life, but it will push you to be an adult. Trust me they miss you just as much or more than you miss them and they want you to come back, but they know you need to have fun at college. The next break will be nice to be able to spend time together. It's just practice for when you move out of your house into your own house maybe with me.