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So my blisters are pretty much healed for the most part, so I thought I'd write some :)

Okay girls this ones for you.

It may be hard to...get a guy without being all slutty and everything, but make sure the guy likes that sort of thing. One of my best friends lets call her...Mandy, she basically threw herself at soome random hot guy thinking you know awww I'm just gonna be slutty and that'll get him. He totally, absolutley rejected her. In front of everyone and called her a slut in front of her dad, and her dad nodded his head in complete agreement. So moral of the story don't be sluttly unless the guy asks and even then you don't have to be.

Some guys are attracted to sluts and bad girls. Don't try and be someone your not. That's simply it. if your not bad don't try and be bad. It can and will humilate you. If that person doesn't like you and respect you enough to think your great as you are, why the hell would you want to be with them anyways? If you can answer me that, please do because I haven't met any girls that can truthfully answer that wihtout lying. Also yes, guys can be attracted to piercings and tattoos nothing wrong with that. If you don't absoultely know you're going to end up with this person which is always a chance you coouldn't; don't go get that piercing you don't really want or tattoo with their name on it its stupid as hell. I literally knew a guy who had tattoos of girls names on his back from ex girlfriends and they were crossed out! He had all 18 of them saying NAME FOREVER, on his back. Once he broke up with the girl he went to the tattoo parlor and got a big X across it. Don't be that guy!

(I'm uploading more to this chapter tomorrow just didn't have enough time. sorry)

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