He's Alive

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Everything was dark.

Well, that's what you would expect to happen when you die. An empty void of nothing. The last thing Kokichi remembered was the pain of slowly being crushed, each bone crunching under the weight of the hydraulic press. Anxiety ate away at his brain with every nearing inch that cursed machine came. He didn't like small spaces.

"I hope there's an afterlife. I want to see you again." He had whispered to himself. He didn't allow himself to cry until the press was close enough that the idiot couldn't see him. Even if these were his last seconds on earth, he wasn't going to allow himself to show weakness. Although, once it sunk in that this was it, the last thing he'd ever see, he couldn't stop the wetness escaping his eyes and dampening his cheeks. He didn't even get to say goodbye to the few people that tolerated him. Oh well, they probably wouldn't miss him anyway.

This was not the way he expected to go, something flashier would've been nice. Maybe something like being blasted away to space, never to be seen again. Or one last hurrah with the DICE gang, before being shot to save his family from capture.

"I'll never betray my family!" He'd yell all cool-like, before escaping his handcuffs and running away towards the sunset. One last view of the pink and purple sky, before meeting his end with one final bang! Maybe even a change of clothes would've been nice, something that wasn't the same clothes he had been forced to wear every single day. Being able to say that this wretched killing game didn't completely control his life. Momota's jacket was surprisingly soft though, but he'd never admit that to anyone.

Soft. The last thing he felt before the bone crushing. The last small bit of warmth he'd feel before an eternity of cold. It pained him that this was the end, but in a way it was satisfying to know that this would help the others survive. Survive you idiots, or else I'll come back to haunt you! He kept thinking to himself.

Goodbye warmth.

Goodbye sunsets.

Goodbye Momota, I'm only saying bye to you since I like your jacket.

Goodbye DICE.

Goodbye Kiibo, and Himiko, maybe Gonta too (although I might see you soon), for being the only people who tolerated me enough that I'd consider you friends. Even if you all don't feel the same.

There were so many other goodbyes he wanted to give, but time was running out fast. Kokichi wasn't ready, but then again who is? The boy gave the soft jacket one last touch, wanting to be able to remember the feeling of something that wasn't agonizing pain, and gave his last goodbye.

"Goodbye Shuichi."


The one thing Kokichi Ouma was not expecting, was to wake up. Yeah, he was hoping there would be an afterlife, but it's not like he actually expected there to be one. He was scared to open his eyes, scared that the warmth he felt running through his body was a lie and everything around him would still be a sea of never ending darkness. Actually, scared was an understatement. Kokichi was terrified. As the boy started becoming more awake, he could feel things attached to him, wires maybe? A few needles? Whatever it was, it hurt.

It hurt?

No that wasn't right, he was definitely dead, there should be no more hurt. No more feeling things at all really. That's how death works...right? Suddenly there were voices. They sounded far off and quiet, but they were there. It seemed like there were two people, seemingly discussing something. Maybe churches were right, maybe he was in heaven? Nah, if god was real he'd be sent straight to hell, for many reasons. In that case maybe it was hell, that would explain the warmth he was feeling.

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