Dreams And Nightmares

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Kokichi stared at the boy in front of him. Familiar, yet not at the same time. No longer was he clunky and metallic, and the small boy thought maybe this was some sort of prank on him. Seeing the other dressed in clothes was a little off putting itself.  Yeah, underneath that enormous light blue hoodie had to be some wires or metal plates. Something! Yet, he had human hands and arms, even in the certain visible areas Kokichi could swear he could see the outline of bone. The robot even seemed a bit taller than before, something Kokichi wouldn't admit to being jealous of. If anything, it felt like he had gotten a bit smaller himself...

"Kokichi," Kiibo spoke the others name as if nothing had changed since they last spoke. When in fact, things had changed, a lot of things had changed.

"Y-you...are you...?"

"Human? It seems so." Kiibo responded quickly to save Kokichi from his stumbling. Hearing it straight from his mouth somehow made the whole situation even weirder than before. Nor did it help stop his ogling. Kiibo rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, becoming a bit uncomfortable with the staring. "It seems I was always human, to say its been a ride getting used to this since I woke up is an understatement."

"That's..." Kokichi was silent for a moment, but once the initial shock wore off he was able to continue. "Kiibo that's...that's amazing, I'm really happy for you." Remembering how desperately the other had craved to be human during the game, the shorter boy really did feel happy for his now human friend.

Kiibo, on the other hand, was taken aback by the sudden compliment. He was quite familiar with the little leader, and was fairly certain compliments were never his go to. "Thanks," the former robot smiled brightly. Even if it was weird hearing truths come from the others mouth, Kiibo decided if there was any chance to encourage him to lie less he'd take it. Kokichi on the other hand had an oddly solemn expression on his face. Kiibo could tell something was wrong. "It seems I'm not the only one who has changed," The taller boy gestured to his new additions. Kokichi guessed he should be grateful for the subdued reaction as compared to the usual harsh looks he'd been met with up until now.

"Right, yeah, I'm actually over one hundred years old and that's...that's why..." Even Kokichi recognized that his lie was too terribly unbelievable to continue. Quickly an uncomfortable silence washed over the two. While the smaller boy was no stranger to silence, that didn't mean he enjoyed it.

"...I was about to head to the cafeteria to meet the others, would you like to come with me?"

Kokichi froze up at the mention of the cafeteria. Fortunately, the silence was broken. Unfortunately, it was broken in the worst way possible. His eyes widened ever so slightly and he seemed to curl into himself. At first it was hard for Kiibo to place what emotion the other was conveying until it hit him. It was something he had never seen on the other. Kokichi was afraid. Something was most definitely wrong. "I-I'll pass..." The smaller boy mumbled. Seeing him so timid was jarring.

"Alright..." Kiibo wrung his hands behind his back, "Then I must get going, but hopefully I will see you later." At that, Kokichi could only respond with a nod, before continuing the trek back to his only safe space. Being reminded of why he'd left in the first place only served to heighten his anxiety. Kiibo didn't know, he didn't understand. There's no way he'd ever be able to understand because the others love him. He'd walk straight through those too heavy wooden doors, with his flesh and bones, and everyone would welcome him. Instead of suffocating glares, the other would be met with open arms. Big smiles and warm welcomes. He wouldn't understand and it would be for the best that he never did. 


Kokichi hadn't realized he'd started walking away until he heard one final call from the former robot. He swiftly stopped, planting his feet as to not start running away. Un-moving, and yet mind racing a mile a minute. He tried sending an unbothered look over his shoulder, but it was inevitable that his panic would seep through.

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