🎮 Chapter 1 🎮

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Author's Note

Hi honey bees!! So... it has been a LONG time since I've written a story/fanfiction or really written in general. I still write poetry in random places whenever I feel inspired & it just comes to me, but more or less, I definitely don't write as much as I used to.

Obviously, it's going to take sometime for me to be able to ease my way back into this & if you used to read my stories, my writing style has likely changed as I am 20 now & the last time I did an update for a story, it was likely was I was 17 or 18. Bare with me either way if it's rocky at the start, okay?

Over the last year, I started to love & stan BTS & Minjoon is my favorite ship, so I figured I should FINALLY contribute something to this fandom & write a fic as it is like a fangirl's right of passage. I no longer read fanfictions personally, but I hope y'all enjoy my little story.

I will likely write most of this in third person POV, although, I may write points of views from Namjoon or Jimin (or a supporting character perhaps) whenever I see fit. If I feel like this story is best all the way in third person, then I may do that too, so I guess we'll just have to see!! Third person is relatively hard for me to write as awesome as I think it is, so I apologize if it's choppy & shifty at the moment. Anyway, enough talking & I hope you enjoy Player Up.

By the way, don't hesitate to leave comments as you read because I love active readers & usually end up going through & reading as well as replying to every comment I've ever gotten on basically all of my stories.

Small trigger warning: anxiety, panic attack, anxiety attack for this chapter & I know some of us are really sensitive to this, so I just want to keep everyone safe.
🎮 Chapter 1 🎮

{Third Person P.O.V.}

"How about this beat?" Hoseok clicked a few buttons, turning a few knobs on the soundboard when a bass line of a song began to erupt to life.

"Ooh," the light lit up in Namjoon's eyes with excitement. Hoseok was always rather the best at making beats, so Namjoon felt like his were rubbish in comparison.

Namjoon bopped his head along to the sound of the beat for a few moments, trying to get a feel for it. Music was his whole life; there was almost NOTHING in this entire universe he loved as much as he loves it. It flows in his blood veins like DNA as if it's in the make up of who he is, which in a way, it was nearly everything of who he is.

He was muttering to himself before he started fill in the gaps of the beat with a kind of melody, turning it gradually into a song. Joon began to rifle through his messenger bag to find his lyric writing book, but he couldn't find it for some reason.

Seokjin noticed that Namjoon is starting to panic & jumped up from the loveseat to help him look through his bag.

"Oh my god, I can't find it," his stress levels were rising & he felt his chest getting tight from freaking out.

Jin rubbed him on his back, trying to sooth & comfort him. "Joonie? Take a deep breath, okay? I promise we'll find it. You probably just misplaced it somewhere because you've been crazy busy lately. It's normal that things slip out here & there!You're under a lot of pressure, you need to learn to take it easy."

Namjoon's breathing was becoming a bit spastic & uneven, making Seokjin & Hoseok exchange a concerned look between each other. Joon was still standing over his bag in disbelief that he lost the most precious thing in his life somehow while the two of them guided him back to the couch to get him to relax & calm down.

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