1/// Oriantation

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Fighting is the most difficult part, some say. Some say the mental stability is the key to surviving at The Compound.

I, Andrea, don't really get the full scoop at the Compound. Surrounded by an electrical fence and high security, the soundproof Compound trains the meanest, toughest soldiers.

This Secret Compound is settled deep in the forest of The West, with the Birthing Compound only miles away, connected by an underground tunnel.

Children start arriving at the compound to be trained at age 8. Young, yes indeed.

But all the fighting, getting up at Three 0 clock each morning to start training is a normal thing to me.

Not like we have any choice, we are locked in the compound until we are 16, then we get the choices to- 1) go and fight in the war against The South, 2) travel to the birthing center and Birth babies every possible time, or 3) Get shot in the Head.

I personally love to fight. I'm not very farmiliar with fistfights, because we never get to do that in Begginer and Intermediate levels. But now, I am 14, going into the Advanced level.

" Andrea!" The instructor, Gouling, calls my name.

He stands by the clarification tube, staring at me, waiting.

It is just that moment I realize that I was daydreaming that whole time.

I walk forward, staring straight ahead, not letting the 15 and 16 year old bother me as the pound on the MaxiGlass on all sides of me, watching their new teamates be clarified into their level.

I am aware of my appearance- My wavy dark brown hair tumbling down my back, my honey colored eyes aware, ready.

I step into the tube, and with a small snap, it slides shut, locking me in. A red labor runs up and down my body, making a small beeping noise.

I see Gouling typing on the computer, and with my wonderful eyesight, I read.

Age- 14

Group- C

Division- Advanced

Hair Color- Brown, Dark

Eye color- Honey

Then, snapping me out of my thoughts, the door slides open again, and a door opens up for me a couple feet away, and I walk in.

Inside, I see all grey surroundings. I see Mats lay on the ground, weapons, targets. I stare for a long time, taking in my new training station.

" Let's go, A." I feel myself lurch forward, and before I even know what happened, my face hit the cement floor.

I cringe in pain, and hold my bleeding nose.

I sit up to see Mary, her shoulder length hair in light waves, and her hazel eyes, staring at Me. There is a slight smirk on her face, and I want to pound it off her face, but if I started a fight with Mary, I would lose. Mary had a long history of beating people up until they begged bloody mercy. Mary had a small build, only 5'5, but she was super strong and ambitious. I learned that skinny girls, like Mary, aren't always weak.

She snorts and walks away, her black combat boots making a slight noise on the floor as she walks down a hallway to the left.


the Bunk room, was huge. Bunks covered all walls, which were painted a crimson Red. On the farthest wall was a huge sign of the Compounds Sign. It was a big black circle with a blue line vertically and an orange line, slanted, horizontal.

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