Chapter 3

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He turned and ran to me and right where he was standing the book fell. I sighed in relief.

"Kelan, you know you can ask me to get something right?" I asked.

"Mommy says don't talk to someone when they're on the phone," Kelan said giggling.

"Well when you want something you can't reach come get me, okay?" I said.

"Okay, Jamin," he said sitting on my fouton.

"Sorry Soso." I said picking up my phone.

"It's fine haha," She said.

"Jasmine!" My mom yelled from downstairs. "Come help pack the truck!"

"Okay!" I yelled back. "I gotta go I'll text you later," I say to Soso.

"Okay. Bye. Bye Kelan!" She said.

"BYEEEEEEEE!" Kelan yelled and waved.

I hung up the phone and went downstairs. I picked up the box with Kitchen Supplies #1 on it. I put it on the truck and saw something down the street. It looked like a giant brick wall. It looked like it was at the beginning of the neighborhood.

"Mom? What's that??" I said panicking.

"Oh my gosh! Everyone hurry pack!" She yelled.

We all went in and came out with 2 boxes each...well except for Kelan...he played with his bear in the car. We never stopped until we had the last box. The moving truck quickly left with everyone behind it. When we left the neighborhood I saw the brick wall drop at the entrance of the neighborhood. Luckly I got all of my friends numbers so we can keep in touch.

We got on the road and drived for 4 hours. I played with Kelan in the back of Trisha's car while Trisha was up front. My dad was driving the moving truck, my mom driving her car and my brother, Jabari was driving my dad's. We finally arrived and luckly we all got a house on Momee's street. My house was across from Momee's , and Trisha's was next to me. Soso and Sascha's house was also next to mine and Alycia and her family was across from Soso and Sascha. Aunt Sheree's was next to trisha's and Nisha's was across from Trisha's.There's an empty house across form Aunt Sheree and we were going to use that as a storage house or a play house for games and stuff.

When we get settled we turn on the news we see the government is now closing off by streets! I guess we'll all be living together now.

Kelan, Jabari and I decide to go over to Leon's house to see if he needs help packing. Me and Kelan always has to go to the door first to make sure his dogs, Jordan and Smokey, are in the basement. Leon opens the door. "Hey Jasmine." He says.

"Hey. Are the dogs..."

"Yeah they're in the basement" He said answering my question.

We all went inside and started playing wii, well except for Kelan, he just watched. I bribed him for a piece of candy if he routed for me.

A couple hours later Leon drove us home. "Thanks Leon." I said as I got out.

"Welcome." He said.

I took Kelan by the hand and lead him inside the house.

"Jasmine?" My mom called from the kitchen.

"Yes?" I called back.

"Do you mind taking Kelan back home?" She asked.

"Sure." I said.

I put Kelan in his stroller and walked him to Trisha's house. As I was about to knock on the door, I got a text from her that said bring him to my moms house, im not home. I went next door to Aunt Sheree's house and Nisha answered the door. "Hey Jazzy." She said.

"Hi." I said.

I brought Kelan and his stroller in.

"Hey Jasmine." Aunt Sheree said.

"Hi." I said.

I was standing there awkwardly because I wasn't sure if I should just leave or stay for a little bit. I pretend to get a text from my friend, Sydney(who always texts me by the way). "I should get home" I say. "My mom's making dinner."

"Ok." Aunt Sheree answered. "You can come back after dinner if you'd like."

"Ok, thanks." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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