O N E ~ and only

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"Get up!" said the guard next to Chanyeol, holding rattling chains tightly in his huge, hairy hands. Chanyeol slowly rose to his feet. He sighed. He doesn't know where he is heading, but he'll just follow the guard. As they walked closer and closer, Chanyeol could see the castle getting bigger and bigger. "Are we going to the castle? What if I'm in some sort of trouble?" Chanyeol shook his head to get rid of the questions filling his mind. It felt like forever before they reached the big, metal gate in front of the castle. It was at least two times his length and so wide a whole boat could fit through. There were chains all over the thick, dark wood. "How unnecessary." he whispered to himself. The gates slowly opened and he could see the inside of the castle. It was so big! The guard gave Chanyeol a push againt his back and his bare feet stepped onto the cold stone floor. They made their way through the castle. Finally the guard stopped. They were now standing in front of a huge door. Chanyeol's heart was beating so fast, if felt like it was going to rip through his chest. The door opened slowly and Chanyeol's heart dropped to his stomach. There he was. On his throne. Byun Baekhyun.

He was busy talking to one of his assistants. Chanyeol's eyes explored the inside of the castle. He couldn't believe he was standing in the presence of Baekhyun. Chanyeol layed eyes on Baekhyun's beautiful long cloak and beautiful dark blue hair. He truly looks like a royal. As Baekhyun lifted his head, he locked eyes with Park Chanyeol. Baekhyun inhaled nervously, his eyes still fixed on Chanyeol's. He slowly got up from from his thrown. Every step Baekhyun took, Chanyeol grew even more nervous. He had no idea what was going on. Baekhyun's steps got faster and his walk now turned into a run. Chayeol tried to step back, but the guard behind him kept him in one place. Baekhyun stopped about one foot in front of Chanyeol. Baekhyun threw his arms around a confused Chanyeol just standing there, not knowing the rules of what he is allowed to do or not. So he just stood there with his arms next to his sides. It sounded to Chanyeol like Baekhyun was...crying?

"What's going on?" finally escaped his mouth. Baekhyun let go and wiped a tear off his cheek. "Oh Chanyeol...my brother." A frown quickly formed between Chanyeol's eyebrows. "Excuse me?" Chanyeol's heart was now beating crazier than ever. Baekhyun took a deep breath and kind of whispered with his head down "My brother...how could you, father?" Chanyeol was starting to get annoyed and even more confused. "Can you just tell me what's going on already?" Chanyeol snapped. Baekhyun flinched a little at him raising his voice. "We have the same father." Finally escaped from Baekhyun. "Our dad only kept one child to become king when he passed away someday...you are his other son and well, since he passed a few months ago, I am the one who will take over. I heard about all this a few days ago and I wanted to get a hold of you. I'm sorry you had to spend all those days and even years working in the mines while I was all up here having fancy food and clothes to wear." Chanyeol couldn't say a word. He didn't know what to say or how to react. He couldn't believe it at first, but this news made him so happy. He's never had a sibling before...but what about the surnames? It's not the same. "What about our surnames?" Chanyeol finally spoke. "It isn't the same, so how can we have the same father?" Baekhyun looked nervously at his assistant back at his throne. "Uhhm... our father changed your surname so that nobody will get suspicious and ask questions." Chanyeol frowned again but this time with disappointment and sadness all over his face. His face light up again after a thought came to mind...he has a family. Or at least he has a brother. "Are you sure about all of this?" Chanyeol asked with hope. Baekhyun nodded with a big smile on his face. Chanyeol smiled so happily and went to give Baekhyun a big hug. He rested his face on Chanyeol's chest, almost standing on his toes to reach. Tears flowed out of his eyes. Baekhyun hugs him back and also starts crying happy tears. For some reason it feels like he's known Chanyeol for years...yet they just met. He thought back of his childhood. He thought of his farm friends before he had to go live in the castle. His friend. His best friend. The one with the cute ears and dimples. The one called Chanyeol. Baekhyun immediately let go of Chanyeol and looked him in the eyes. Chanyeol. This is HIS Chanyeol. "My Chanyeol!" Baekhyun exclaimed with so much joy that Chanyeol laughed out loud, even though he was confused. "Do you remember me? We were best friends on that old farmhouse. We used to play together all the time! You were my best friend! I can't believe it!" Baekhyun was now jumping around and laughing, overflowing with joy. "The farmhouse? I can't remember a farmhouse. I can't remember anything from my childhood." Chaneyol said as his eyes fell to the ground. He could hear that Baekhyun has stopped jumping around. As he looked up, Baekhyun was coming closer again. "It's ok, I'll let you remember. Let's go to the farmhouse. I still know where it is. We'll get you to remember. Let me be your king and show you the way." Then Chanyeol said with stars in his eyes "You are my king, Byun Baekhyun. Lead the way."

Thank you guys so much for reading!!✨
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