Part 2

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Can I just say you guys are the best and your comments were so sweet thank youuuuuu xxx

If Will wasn't already awake the storm definitely would have woken him. Gods it sounded like the entire cabin was going to fall apart. He looked around to see if any of his siblings were awake, but they were all sound asleep. Will didn't want to admit it, but he woke up because he had a dream about Nico. A romantic dream about Nico. He had been trying to talk himself out of his crush for weeks, almost months now, but apparently his subconscious didn't agree. It was beyond frustrating. He wanted so badly to run out to Hades cabin and tell Nico how much he cared about him, except that it was 2 am and he expected Nico would most likely kick him out or brake his arm. Or both. Probably both. What he didn't expect was Nico to be knocking on the window next to his bed.

"Will? Oh thank the gods Will... could you...umm maybe...let me in?" Will jumped out of bed and ran to the door. Nico was standing out in the rain smiling at him. Will really liked Nico's smile.

"So umm you're probably wondering why I'm your cabin in the middle of the night well uh you see the storm kinda blew the door off my cabin... And I can't fix it and I can't sleep in there so I was wondering if...since you keep telling me we're friends and all that...if I could stay here maybe? Or not that's totally fine actually this was probably a bad idea I'll just umm go....bye." Before he could walk away Will grabbed his arm.

"Hey don't be stupid of course you can stay here." Nico's face lit up and he pulled Will into a hug. Will was half asleep and a little shocked that Nico was actually hugging him that hugging Nico back kind of slipped his mind. When Nico pulled back he looked nervous and started rambling again.

"Oh gods I probably should have asked first and now I made you uncomfortable and my shirt is all wet and now you're shirt is all wet and I just kind of barged into your cabin and now I'm acting like a really shitty friend and...umm sorry." Will couldn't help laughing.

"Nico relax it's fine. You're welcome here anytime and hey you can borrow one of my t shirts no big deal." Nico's visibly relaxed and the smile returned to his face.

"Really? Thanks Will." Then he followed him into the Apollo cabin.

By the time Nico had come out of the bathroom Will had already had several panic attacks. Now Nico was standing in from of him wearing his t shirt that had to be at least three times his size and Will's heart almost stopped. This is ridiculous he thought. Will was supposed to be the cool one. He didn't get shy or flustered it just wasn't him, but he also couldn't form a single coherent thought, much less a word or a sentence. When Nico saw Will sitting on his bed a look of confusion passed over his face right before he turned bright red.

"Will... Do you ummm actually have a place for me to sleep?" Will silently cursed because how could he not have thought of that.

"Yeah you can use my bed. I'll just sleep on the floor."

"No, no you don't have to do that I'll stay on the floor it's not-"

"You need to sleep di Angelo, doctor's orders." Nico sighed

"You can't use that as an excuse for everything Will...but fine I guess we could know if that's ok." Will tried the best he could to hide his smile.

"Yeah that's cool"

Will stayed awake and watched Nico sleep for another half hour. He looked so peaceful. So happy. It made Will smile. Right before he fell asleep he leaned down and placed a kiss on Nico's forehead .

"Goodnight Angel"

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