All I know is Darkness

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Jimin and I continued to hold hands as we  walked along the dimly lit path still searching for a restaurant to grab a bite to eat. We were fairly certain that if we made it this far without being recognized we were pretty much in the clear. You see, Jimin and I had been dating for 9 months now but the only people that knew were the rest of the members, our immediate families, and a handful of staff that worked closely with us—we didn't want any of the staff to know (the less the better) but they are constantly around us so it was inevitable that the secret slipped out to some of them. But that staff that knew swore to secrecy, knowing full well if the secret did get out they would be out of a job faster than a heartbeat.

Keeping our relationship a secret was not easy. But it was kind of thrilling in a way—like Jimin and I were in on something that no one (or practically no one) knew and we had to find creative ways to keep anyone from finding out.

Taehyung was the very first person we told and he was not the least bit shocked like we thought he was going to be. He instead rolled his eyes, "Oh NOOOO WAYYYY, thats suchhhh a surprise". His deep voiced dripped with sarcasm.

When we told the other members soon afterwards that we were 'officially' seeing each other, they all had similar responses—I guess when you are constantly around the same six people for six consecutive years it is fairly hard to hide anything from them, especially something as big as a relationship among members.

When we told Namjoon, he took us aside and like the good leader, explained that yes, he was happy for us but he was also worried how this relationship might affect the rest of BTS and our careers. We ensured him that we would remain as professional as before and keep our relationship separate from our work and also not make it public.

For the most part we did pretty good with keeping our feelings and relationship under wraps, but we did have some close calls during various Vlives and concerts where fans started questioning if we were simply messing around or if there was something more going on (plot twist- there WAS something more going on, y'all weren't wrong). Jimin and I actually got a kick out of watching "Jikook Analysis Videos" where enthusiastic ARMYs would claim they had found undeniable proof that we were madly in love. Of course all of the videos were pretty out there but Jimin thought they were funny. However again, we had not leaked any confirming or personal information that would give the fans concrete evidence to latch onto—we intended to keep it that way.

But no one was out tonight so we felt like we could let our guards down slightly. The weather was frankly gross and sticky but we couldn't care in the slightest.

I stole a glance at Jimin's makeup free face and couldn't help but smile. His forehead was glistening with a sheen of sweat—probably a combination of leftover from out practice and the humid air. Even sweaty, he was still the most handsome young man I've even seen. His jet black hair fell in soft billows, framing his face and his striking eyes were looking around at the passing shops.

At first he had made fun of me for deciding to grow out my hair a bit longer as an experiment. "Your starting to look like a real punk star" he had giggled the other day when looking through some of the latest BTS Magic Shop Muster images that were released. But he soon decided he would give it a try too and his hair had grown quite quickly and was almost caught up to my length. The other day Jimin told me that he wanted to die his hair pure white hair again. I was not going to protest at all because I thought it suited him well. "They (referring to the army) say I look like an angel with that hair color!" He boasts and I roll my eyes but couldn't help thinking that I agreed with them.

Jimin felt my stare and glanced over, a soft smile already gracing his face. "I love you" he whispers as he leans in and tenderly kisses my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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