Progenitor (Chapter 3)

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Chapter 3: Damien

I'm awakened by the cold rush of water splashing on my body. I snap awake in a rage, attempting to break free from the binds that hold me in my chair.

"That won't do you much good," a human voice speaks from the corner.

I snap my head to the source and see a tall man, built like a freight train, leaning against the far wall.

"The hell is this?" I ask.

"What's it look like?" He responds snidely.

The door opens, taking my attention from the man in the corner. In steps a very familiar face.

"Hello, bigger Blake," He says.

"Should've known this was your handy work Rin'Gal,"

Rin'Gal bends down so that he's eye to eye to me, the neon green in his flickers.

"I told you I would get you for what you did on Crimea," He says with a sly smile.

I narrow my eyes at him before placing a surprise headbutt into his face, causing him to flinch backwards. He holds his face in his hands, grunting away the pain. He settles and stares at me with anger in his eyes. I notice a line of lambent blue trails down from his mouth.

"I hate you. You and your brother both,"

"I guess we just have that effect on people we don't like, Rin'Gal,"

"I'm going to fix you. I'm going to make sure you aren't the same if you ever happen to return to your brother,"

"There's no if,"

"Then I hope he likes what you have become,"

Rin'Gal turns to the man in the corner.

"Do what you wish. Just do not kill him,"

"I'm a doctor. I think I know how to keep him alive," The man says with a smile.

Rin'Gal exits without another word, leaving me and the man alone together. I finally notice the suitcase by his side, placed in the center of a table that's against the same wall in which he's leaning. He moves to the table and opens the case.

"Let me introduce myself. My name..."

He takes out a pair of black leather gloves.

"Is Dr. Peter Hall," He finishes.

"That supposed to mean something to me?" I ask.

"Not at all. I simply like to get acquainted with my subjects before I begin working,"

"Well you might as well start asking your questions, doc. I'm not one for pleasantries," I say, impatient.

Peter looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh no. There's no questions here today. Rin'Gal knows you won't give anything up. I'm just here to...mold you into something different," He explains as he steps in front of my chair.

I look up at him in defiance.

"This is going to hurt," He points out.

"Good thing I'm a glutton for punishment," I reply in confidence.

Peter clenches a fist and brings it back. I watch helplessly as he hooks it into my face, snapping my head to the right. I feel the metallic of blood in my mouth.

I spit the blood on the floor "Gonna have to do better than that, doc. Children have hurt me worse than that," I antagonize.

Peter proceeds to unleash a flurry of blows across my body and face. By the time he's done, my body aches and my face throbs. The blood from my mouth has now become a constant stream pooling on the floor between my feet.

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