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this belongs to you!

thank you to every single person who voted, commented, and maybe even just took the time to read this book. thank you for all of your efforts!

i'm proud to say that this book is officially completed! this took a long time to accomplish with a whole six months on its plate. this would probably be one of my favorite books that i've made just because it's something that i tried to pour my heart into. there have been countless days where i would delete chapter after chapter because i wanted you give you all a glimpse of what my heart looked like. i didn't want to give you anything that was half assed!

this book was hard to finish, but look! i made it! hahaha. sometimes i wish something were changed but this book is my baby. it touched me in more ways than one. it has been such a joy to write!

also many of you might be wondering where yna and renjun and many of the characters had gone to. i included them into this book so that you may get a glimpse of what kind of people were in their life. i know there wasn't much subplots (honestly little to none at all) but i knew i wanted this book to focus on the main characters. their lives were already a lot to take in.

if you would like i would be more than happy to include a small page of the honorable mentions of moments of the characters. the ones that were included in the character introduction page of course. those characters have their own lives and i knew adding them would just add more twists and turns that i knew i wasn't ready to write.

which is why there are sequels huh? ;)

i hope that my heart reached yours and i hope that many of you understood the message that i was trying to convey. if you didn't then that's okay. if there is one thing i want you to take out of this book is that you should just be yourself:)

i just wanted to thank you all for reading. you all have my heart. thank you so much, it means the world to me.

until next time,
ana ♡

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