Trans Boi Rant Time

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oh wow haven't done this shit in awhile but here we go.

my mom just made me listen to her dumb book for divorced women about how "wHeN a WoMaN iS hUrT sHe AcTs MoRe MaScUlInE tO pRoTeCt HeRsElF" and I was like cool don't care. my mom straight up looked at me and said "I think people hurt you so you wanna be a guy now"
I don't wanna be a boy because of some bs that happened years ago that I don't care about anymore that I don't even think about anymore. This has been something that I have felt since I was young but she doesn't think it's true cause, "yOu DiDn'T vErBaLiZe It!!!11!!1!" she believes just cause on the outside I acted fine with being a girl when I was younger she has no idea about the thoughts that were in my head! I always felt wrong as a girl I just never said anything cause I was a kid and didn't understand my feelings cause I was a confused piece of shit with a brain the size of a walnut.

rant time over

I finished writing this like an hour after the incident so I'm calm now but fuck.

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