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(E/c) = eye color
(H/c) = hair color
(H/l) = hair length
(S/t) = skin tone
     Humanity has always suffered with people going missing and important governments objects getting stolen. To help combat these situations, each country sent a representative to one location to discuss a countermeasure. The name of the meeting and the information about this meeting was lost in the centuries since it was held. The only thing that can be remembered as coming from this meeting are the ideas for the androids of the T-series.

       The T-series is a collection of androids whose main purpose is to track down missing persons or important items or documents. Funding for the production of the androids didn't begin until the year 2485. Once they began manufacturing the robots, they agreed that they should look as close to humans as possible as to not scare children or make thieves suspicious. They programmed the androids with the ability to recognize the age and level of fear the person is at.

        In the year 3205, the T-series was taken off of its original task and instead tasked with tracking down the machines that invaded the planet with a group of alien beings. The tracker androids continued this mission, as well as ridding this world of those machines, but they started to "malfunction." Their fake emotions became too precise in copying human emotions. They began to feel guilt for killing machines and evil humans. They began to run away and hide, or refuse to complete their missions. Several androids believed that they had been infected with a virus, so instead of risking going berserk and possibly killing a couple humans, they chose to kill themselves.

       In the year 3256, the T-series was decommissioned and deactivated before they were put into cold storage just below the surface of the earth. That didn't stop the humans from using androids to fight against the machines, though. They created several other models of androids, each with a different purpose but the same goal: protect humanity from the machines.

       Sadly, the humans couldn't continue to live on earth. The machine population continued to grow and force the humans out of their homes. The humans built a space bunker for the new androids and flew the remaining human population to the moon. Of course, during the years before the planet reached the 6000 year benchmark, the rest of the human population died. The androids were not told that all of the humans had perished.

       When the 14th machine war began in the year 11947, a small little machine stumbled upon the entrance to the underground facility. He let his curiosity get the best of him and began to push random buttons until the panel did something, not realizing that he probably shouldn't.

         "Activating the third model of the T-series," a voice played over the crackling intercom system that still works for some unknown reason. The small robot looked around before hiding behind the control panel. A girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair stepped out of one of the pods along the wall. She looked around with her (e/c) eyes before a frown appeared on her (s/t) face. The little robot didn't make a noise as he watched her look around and try to adjust her eyes.

         This is the beginning of our tale, the tale of a girl who would change her world and that of many others.
Okay, so this is a rather short prologue but I wrote it to give you a bit of lore so you aren't just thrown into a story.... anyways I hope you enjoy the story and as always, thank you so much!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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