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A/N I don't own the image, but it's her as a seven year old


I was seven years old.

"Come closer to me child," my grandmother told me, and I scooted towards her hospital bed, "I am going to have to leave soon."

I choked on my gasp, " What? Grammy, no! You can't leave!" I cried, hugging her close. She looked me in the eyes and pulled out a hand from her blanket.

She opened her fist to show me a little green necklace, it shone in the light. "I must give this to you now, my child." She said, and she clipped it around my thin neck, smiling the smile of a woman well worn in years. The her face turned serious, "You must never take this off, only if you are in water can you remove this, alright my child?" I nod and she grinned again.

I smiled, and hugged her again, "Thank you Grammy! But do you really have to go?" I asked with a frown, not completely understanding the concept of death yet. She nodded somberly, and kissed my fore head.

"Live your life to the fullest Ali, I love you my child. Goodbye" she put her hand to my face before her arm slumped to the bedside and her eyes closed. I looked at her for a while before taking the pendant into my hand and gazing down upon it. It was beautiful, a pale shade of green, so light, I was barely able to tell what colour it was. I hopped down from the chair I was in and walked out , opening the navy blue door to leave. I saw my mother crying on the chair in the lobby. She looked to me, and I smiled.

"Grammy is in heaven now." I said happily, and my mother sobbed and ran into the room crying. When she came back out, she looked in my eyes and smiled.

Mother then asked me, "Did Grammy say anything before she passed?" I nodded, and showed her the necklace. 

"She gave me this pendant." I said cheerfully, and her sad face suddenly lit up with terror. She shot up and pulled out her phone. She soon was speaking to someone, and then she was holding me.

She cradled me for a moment, " Sweetie I'm sorry, you have to go stay with your father for a while." She said softly and a tear dripped down her face. I asked why. "No reason, I'll come get you in a few weeks."

I never saw my mother again.

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