Attempting Explanation

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A/n I still don't own the image, but it's supposed to be Aleah.


Alex's POV

'How the fuck is this pendant able to summon BEN fucking drowned, OFF ALL PEOPLE?' I internally screamed, and I felt a huge spasm go through our body as someone force switched their way out. Dammit, who the fuck, wait.

'Aleah, why the fuck are you taking control?!" Me and Ali scream at the same time, and we rounded on each other. Allison jumped out of nowhere and tackled us both.

She growled, 'Let the child do her thing, mortals.' I scoff as she cuffs us both to the ground. I hear Ali sigh and she squats in an odd position with her hands forming a circle. 

I laugh, 'All right Shikamaru, do your thing.' Ali scoffs, 'Shut up.'

Aleah's POV

"I did it! Now all I have to do is-" I cry, but I m cut off by a loud cackle. It was the elf boy who had appeared.

He hovered above the ground and hunched over laughing, " I don't know what the hell is going on, but it's entertaining!" He exclaimed, and wiped a bloody tear from his eye. Liu shook his head and charged at me, and I yell as I run behind the little guy quickly.

He looks back at me, and smirks, "Sunshine, just because you were able to summon me, doesn't mean I'm gonna save you." He says, his voice sounding kinda glitchy. 

I frown and grab his arm, "Who are you?" I ask softly. The elf grinned and laughed.

"BEN_drowned, not at your service," he replied, taking a small bow. I scoff and grip his arm tighter.

I hear the girls screaming at me from my mind, but I ignore it. "Just get me the heck out of here." I growled as Liu approached us. Suddenly, BEN started sparking, and his eyes widened. His form suddenly erupted into a green flash, and there was a loud crack as both of us were transported into a strange abyss. I scream as I retreat back into my mind and I feel Ali take back over.

Ali's POV

"WHAT THE FUUUUUCK!!" I scream as I am sucked into a strange void. Why Aleah suddenly took over, I have no clue. But mostly, I want to know how the fuck this all happened. I look up at BEN who is glaring at me.

He cringes, "Brace yourseeeeeelf!" He yells angrily, and suddenly there is another crack as we appear in a normal looking room. He rounds on me, "How the fuck did you do that?!" He growled, and I noticed his voice was glitching more violently. 

I throw my hands up and shrug, "It wasn't me! I was trying to stay calm!" I answer, and he relaxes and sighs. He floated above the floor and started going in circles, repeatedly saying, "Fuck." I knock on a wall.

"Hello?" I say, and he looks at me, "Could you tell me where the fuck we are?"

BEN rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "We're in Slender's mansion," he said, and I sigh. Suddenly, Alex starts yelling at me, 'Let me take over!' He yelled, and I responded with a simple 'No.'

BEN looked at me, and I realized that I spoke aloud. "What is up with you?" He asks oddly, and I sigh.

I cross my arms and sit, "Normally, I wouldn't tell just anyone, but I don't really care right now." I say before continuing, "I have a strange problem where I seem to have four separate entities living inside my mind. At any given time, they can force control my mind, and take over my body. Well, except for Allison, we block her access... It can actually be painful and slightly annoying at times." I explain, and he raises an eyebrow. 

BEN suddenly throws his head back and lets out a yowl, "JEFF, GET THE HELL IN HERE!" I jump, and Alex punches my internal face and force switches. 'JERK.' I yell at him, and he doesn't respond. 

'You don't want to see this, I promise.'

Alex's POV

BEN's face looks dumbfounded when HE  enters the room. I gasp loudly, and see the one and only Jeff the Killer standing there at the door. In a black crop top and his hair tied back. BEN then burst out into a psychotic laughing fit, and I too stifle a laugh.

"What the hell are you wearing?" He manages, and Jeff sighs.

The killer crosses his arms and growls, "Sally and Lazari did it, they told me I couldn't take it off..." he explains angrily, and then yells when he notices me. "BEN! Why the fuck is there a human? In the mansion? Alive?"

BEN frowns and looks at me, "I don't know if she's all human Jeff." He responds, "We need to take her to Slender, we may have a problem on our hands." I narrow my eyes as he walks towards me. I jump into a fighting stance, but don't take my eyes off of Jeff. There's a bad history there, and I do t want to risk anything.

But I barely notice when BEN shoots forward to grab my arm, and suddenly we're transported back into the void. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KEEP DOING?!" I scream, and he growls.

"I'm taking you to Slender." He responds darkly, and I sigh. 'Here we go again...' Ali says in our mind, and I internally scream before BEN and I are shot out of a television set into a dark room. I land on my face, while when I look up, BEN is floating in the air again and looking smug. I stand up and look around. BEN moves forward and sighs.

"Slenderman, sir, I think we may have a problem."

Then I hold in a gasp when I see a ten foot tall man with no face step into the light, "What seems to be the problem BEN?" I hear him say darkly, and all I can do from yelling is stand up straight and not look directly at him. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck.' I say internally, and I hear Slender's voice in my head.

'That's not very appropriate language, child.' I hear, and Aleah and Ali scream. Allison just chuckles to herself, while I'm still frozen. This is not good, not good at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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