Valentine's Day

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Spock approached the figure of a certain humming captain. Kirk tied a pale pink apron around his waist, beginning to sway his hips to the music he had put on. Spock cocked his head and watched the other in silence. A variety of ingredients were tossed into a large bowl, soon being mixed together with care.

Kirk glanced at the clock, eyes widening. He mumbled a curse under his breath as he began to stir faster, soon pouring his concoction into a shaped cake pan. He soon set it into the already preheated oven, sighing. He relaxed slightly and turned to leave. The blonde spotted Spock instantly and jumped.

"Dammit, Spock!" He yelped in surprise. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, only making it look more unkempt. Spock stroked the other's locks, making his hair look decent to say the least. The blonde's face pinked slightly. "Don't you know how to knock?" Kirk scolded halfheartedly, trying to draw attention away from his embarrassed state.

Spock gave a small shrug. "Well, Captain, I am familiar with the action, and I do believe I am able to follow through with it." He responded, thumbing over a rosy cheek gingerly. Kirk looked away, but not for long. He soon locked eyes with the Vulcan. "What were you doing in the first place?" The raven haired male questioned.

"I was just baking a cake." Kirk answered. "What is the occasion?" Spock inquired. "It's for... Valentine's Day..." Was the quiet response. "Enlighten me on what exactly one does on this day." Spock requested. "Well... they normally trade gifts and spend time with their loved ones... their spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, or-" 

"T'hy'las?" Spock interrupted. Kirk paused for a brief moment before nodding. "Yes, even t'hy'las." He nodded. Spock abruptly left. Kirk bowed his head with a pout, thinking, as illogical as it may seem, that he had scared the other off. He soon pulled a heart-shaped cake out of the oven and set it down, staring at it as it cooled.

After a few minutes, he began to frost the cake, a puppy-like frown on his face. He set the finished cake on a small table with two chairs and took a seat. Spock walked into the room with his hands behind his back as usual. He tapped Kirk on the shoulder gently. The blonde looked at the other. "Hey."

Spock gave a nod to return the greeting, a pale green color coating his cheekbones. "Captai- Jim... I have something that I must confess..." He said softly. "Yes? What is it, Spock?" Kirk responded quickly. The Vulcan held out a card. Kirk took it and looked at the text. Wani ra yana ro aisha"I love you..." Spock translated.

If Kirk had smiled any larger, he would have been deemed insane. He put the card to the side and let Spock sit across from him. They began to share the cake slowly, both males smiling and blushing like lovesick schoolboys. "I love you too, Spock." Kirk finally replied, bringing their faces closer, before he locked their lips, stealing a passionate kiss.

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