Chapter 8 A new chance!

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Izuku made his way to the diner, it was 6:30 Mina had just started her break as Izuku told her about Nejire "How's it going poopy face?" Called Mina as Izuku sat next to her giving her a kiss "Well just wait and see" he replied. A few minutes later Nejire entered and as soon as she saw Mina her jaw dropped but she managed to compose herself a little.

"Y-y-your M-Mina of Jurassic Strikers!!! I-I-I can't... Izuku y-you didn't tell me, w-wha?" Nejire was star struck, she managed to sit down across from them, her face was lit up as Mina just smiled at her "Soooo Izuku didn't tell you that I was pinky?" Mina said, Nejire just shook her head. Mina then smacked Izuku over the back of his head "You should've told her!"

Izuku just shrugged as Nejire spoke up "S-so Izuku said that you might be able to help me?" though Nejire couldn't sit still
"Of course, Izuku said you sing and play guitar is that right?" Mina asked, Nejire nodded then pulled out her phone to show them a video of her singing and playing.

'I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! MINA FROM JURASSIC STRIKERS IS INTERESTED IN WHAT DO!!! OK NEJIRE JUST CALM DOWN CALM DOWN!!' Nejire was screaming to herself on the inside. Mina had a massive smile on her face the entire time she was watching, once the video finished she handed Nejire her phone back "Th-That was amazing!! O-ok I think I have an idea if you can though, Izuku and I are planning on recording some songs so... if you can, cause I have a feeling you will want to, you can join us but we haven't started anything, so in the meantime you should try a open mic night. I'll make sure Momo and Kyoka can make it, I've got another friend as well" Mina said watching Nejire trying her best to contain her excitement.

Nejire reached over the table and hugged them "Thank you thank you thank you... y-yes I would love too, when is the open mic night?" She said, her face still beaming with happiness. Izuku spoke up "Well technically it's on every night, it's just a matter of musicians wanting to go if they have the time"

Nejire nodded as Mina spoke "We'll go with you to the bar sometime tomorrow if you're available and if you want to perform" Nejire just kept on nodding, she couldn't believe that 2 people she'd only just met are helping her especially one who was semi-famous. Nejire eventually calmed down enough to speak "O-ok I think I know the bar so we just need a time... does 3:30 sound alright? I'm currently in the process of moving apartments sooo yeah" Izuku and Mina both nodded, it was settled, they meet up at the bar tomorrow to see if Nejire can perform.

Nejire left not long after to finish packing saying she'll be moving early in the morning to get it over and done with, Izuku stayed there walking Mina home when she finished work and staying for awhile before going back to his apartment. As morning came, Izuku was about to go downstairs to get his washing done when he saw a piece of paper that was slipped under his door.

He picked it up and was surprised it wasn't rent... yet, it had very neat handwriting, he read it to himself, it said "Hi my name is Nejire, I knocked on your door but there was no answer. I'm your new neighbor and would love a chat or go out for a coffee sometime your free:) Also I may have friends over and we may be doing music practice so don't hesitate to say anything ~Nejire:) P.S If you see a woman with blueish coloured hair that reaches her knees that's me."
"Huh who would've thought" Izuku said aloud while picking up a laundry basket.

He went downstairs to the laundromat that was across the road and saw a blue haired woman, her hair was in a bun, she was muttering to herself "No no no... I thought I... great probably have to buy another pair" Izuku knew it was Nejire and he couldn't help himself "How's it going neighbor?" He said casually but it still made Nejire freeze as she knew the voice, she hurriedly put whatever it was in her hand in the washing machine "U-ummm h-hey Izuku, i well I didn't expect you to be my neighbor... ahhh I don't mind at all, just didn't expect it that's all" she said her cheeks going red a little.

Izuku was checking the washing machine then started putting his clothes in, when he finished and put a coin in to start it he turned to Nejire "You said you'd have friends over, that should be easy for me and as for coffee I already work at a coffee show soo I'm kinda over coffee at the moment, no offence" he said as he was checking how many coins he had.

"Oh no it's all good, since now we know that we're neighbors it might be awkward if just to 2 of us went for coffees, since you're dating Mina... by the way, this may sound weird but it's really cool to see 2 musicians dating, I find it unique" Nejire said as she stood up. They both chatted for a little before Nejire had to go, they later met up with Mina at the bar and Nejire was told she could perform that night if she wanted, which she agreed to with not a second to spare.

It was around 8:30 and Nejire was setting up with Mina, Nejire choose to have her hair in a long ponytail and was wearing a blue hoodie and jeans for her performance, she didn't want to go all out on her attire. Mina and Izuku had managed to bring Momo, Kyoka and Himiko along. Once Nejire and Mina were satisfied with the setup, Nejire practiced for a few minutes as a crowd was gathering.

She introduced herself then mentioned she wouldn't have been able to do this with the help of Mina and Izuku, she then started to play. She played 5 covers and 4 original songs, the place almost erupted with cheers for this girl as she finished, she started to blush from all the attention. As she and Mina were packing up a few males approached Nejire and offered to buy her drinks but she politely declined which annoyed them a bit, Mina nodded approvingly as she looked at what happened.

She went over to the bar and was congratulated by the other 4, Momo went to order when Nejire spoke "Ahh I don't drink... sorry" Momo nodded and ordered Nejire a cola. By the time the 6 of them were leaving it was 10:30. Mina walked over to Nejire, something was on Mina's mind which made Nejire a little anxious "Sooo Nejire congrats again and have you thought more about joining us? Also Izuku told me you're his new neighbor, which means you'll have to keep him in line hehe" she said smiling.

"Well about joining you and Izuku, I would like too but isn't it both your project? I don't want to intrude is all" Nejire replied, Mina placed a hand on Nejire's shoulder as she spoke "Well yes, it is kinda mine and Izuku's project, but we were just thinking of doing it for shits and giggles really... but if you want to join we can take it seriously" but Nejire didn't even hesitate as she was jumping with joy. Though something was gnawing at the back of Mina's mind, if another 1 or 2 people wanted to join, would Mina's band with Momo and Kyoka continue or maybe go on hiatus? She hoped a worse option would never be imagined.

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