Chapter 10 Another one for the road!

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The past couple of weeks had been interesting for Izuku, he'd made 3 new friends, got fired, joined a band then left that band, got a new job thanks to his high school friend Itsuka Kendo, went to a house party, made more friends and saved them from an attack, got a girlfriend, helped out a friend with a problem and is now in a band with his girlfriend. As he was thinking he got flicked on the nose by Mina, he was over there as him and Mina were waiting for the other 3 to show up.

"I too was thinking, are there any other instruments you could play? Cause I've got 2 songs you might like, ones got a violin, the other has got a piano" she said, Izuku just looked at her like "huh?" She rolled her eyes then giggled as she began to load up the songs on her phone.

"If you don't like these 2 songs or bands dare I say, then fair enough, but if you haven't heard of Dream on dreamer, then what did you do in high school?" She said poking him
"I've heard of Dream on dreamer, cut me some slack" Izuku replied flicking her forehead.
"You can do the screaming parts and singing too if we cover these 2 songs" She said, then played the 2 songs.

Imminence - infectious

Dream on dreamer - don't lose your heart

During the second song Mina noticed Izuku was quietly singing to himself 'It should be easy for him to write music' Mina thought, soon the other 3 girls arrived and the 5 of them got to chatting about the band, agreeing that they'll each start practicing during the day and later tonight. Momo then stood up "I thought I should tell you all now, eventually I'll have a step away from the band for a little while" the other 4 looked confused and concerned, Momo's face lit up as she spoke again "It's cause I... Satoshi and i well, I'm pregnant!"

The 3 girls gasped and screamed in excitement, Kyoka and Nejire went over to Momo and hugged her, Mina pulled Izuku along for a group hug. It was something they didn't expect but they were very happy for Momo and her boyfriend. Izuku then went to leave but Mina called out to him "Where are you going?" She asked "Well you 4 are going to be doing baby talk sooo yeah" he replied.

Mina had a mischievous smile on her face and spoke in a sarcastic tone "Well duh that's what happens when 2 people want a baby and when there's no protection worn" Izuku facepalmed "Ahh Mina... I know that... it's just baby talk isn't really part of my job description" Mina was about to continue when Momo nudged her "If Izuku wants go he can, cause it's gonna be baby talk and such for awhile"

Mina walked over to Izuku and hugged and kissed him "I'll fill you in on the baby details later ok" she said, Izuku just shook his head and smiled as he waved to the others. Izuku was walking down the street when he heard a familiar voice call out, he turned to see Himiko, wearing her work clothes "Hey Izuku how's it going? I thought you would've been doing band practice?" She asked
"I'm going good, band practice kinda, we're going to start practicing later on" he said

Izuku's stomach started rumbling, Himiko nodded "I'm starting work soon, so come let's go, I think the new person said she'll be on today, she makes suuuch good burgers"

Izuku could only nod, he went in the diner and went to order. The male behind the cash register with the name tag "Eijiro" had trainee above his name, he seemed about 22 and had red eyes and spiked red hair, He seemed to be having trouble, he noticed Izuku "S-sorry, I still haven't gotten use to the whole register thing" he said giving Izuku a look of apology "It's fine, I work at a coffee shop and the register is sooo annoying, so no worries" Izuku said making Eijiro feeling better and calmer. Himiko then came over and helped Eijiro, Izuku then sat down and waited for his order.

"Here you are sir" said a woman in a soft spoken voice, bringing Izuku his order, the woman seemed short standing at 5 foot 1 and appeared 21, with blonde hair and blue eyes, she had a rounded face but also a pair of tall horns, brown hoofs and a short brown horse like tail, the name tag she was wearing said "Pony", Izuku nodded and said "thanks" with a smile, Pony smiled back saying "You're welcome" before walking off.

He glanced at Himiko and she pointed at the burger then pointed at Pony 'So a new person on the cash register and a new person making burgers huh? They must be hiring' he thought as he began eating, once he finished he took his place to the counter "Soooo how was it?" Himiko asked.

"Your were right! The burger was amazing, I might even have to thank the person who made it" he replied, Himiko smiled and moved her eyes to the right. Pony was at the cash register smiling and blushing a little from the compliment "H-Himiko... y-you specifically told him I was making burgers today?" She said a little high pitched.
Himiko nodded "Well yeah, I told him you make such good burgers, no body can resist a good burger" she said, Pony nodded and smiled but she was starting to go red from the constant attention.

"Oh yeah, Mina said the band is coming together?" Himiko said making sure Pony felt more comfortable. Izuku nodded and replied "Yep, we've got a busker that joined, so there's five of us"
"And the baby?" Asked Himiko
"Oh that's- wait what?... Mina told you didn't she?" He said, Himiko nodded with the look on her face saying "oh yeah she did" Izuku just rolled his eyes, Himiko then spoke, more serious than before "Before i forget, I wanna say thanks... for what you did for Kyoka, I still can't believe that guy would do something sooo... disgusting"

Izuku nodded "Not a problem, I try to look out for my friends" he noticed the time of the clock on the wall and spoke again "I probably should get going though, not sure how long I'll spend doing music practice, see ya" he said
"Sure have fun Izuku" said Himiko
"Bye mister" said Pony
Izuku turned to her and looked at her name tag "Pony... call me Izuku, if you want" he said, Pony nodded and blushed a little.

Izuku was almost at his apartment block when a male voice called out to him "Yooo numbnuts, heard you got a girl and a band?" Izuku turned to see who it was and almost couldn't believe it, it was another of his high school friends, Katsuki Bakugo . The ash blonde hair and red were unmistakable, as was the scorpion like tattoo around his neck.
Izuku walked over and gave him a bro hug "What's up mommas boy? You still one of them beatboxing rappers or whatever?" Izuku said with a grin, he continued to speak "How'd you know I've got a girlfriend and I'm in a band anyway?"
"Oh Mr big lips himself Hanta Sero, he said he saw you on a open mic night when a blue haired woman was singing and yes I'm still a rapper, taking a break from it for awhile though" Katsuki replied

"Of course Sero would be the one to notice, I was about to head up to practice a little if you wanted to hang out" Izuku said, Katsuki put his hands up "Thanks dude but I'm busy myself so maybe another time" he said. The 2 did another bro hug before saying their goodbyes, as Izuku got into his apartment he got a message from Mina "Heyyy Izu;) I've written some lyrics, I'll send them through with some guitar cords cuz I know you've practicing... YA CAN'T LIE I KNOW THESE THINGS LOL I might see you later tonight then, don't worry no babies" Izuku laughed a little "Should I be scared my girlfriend has a weird sense of humour? Maybe!" He said aloud opening his door.

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