"I love you too"

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Bright's POV

It was 2:45 Am and i couldn't sleep, not even if i wanted to, Daniel was in my head


Was all i kept saying, i cant believe i said that, to him
I really wanted to jump out of a plane without a parachute and land on big pointy rocks and Die, Literally Die

I put on my shoes and walked outside

It quickly got cold
I was wearing shorts with a tank top

I closed the door slowly and started walking up the sidewalk heading to the Forest

Yes, the forest, i only go there because at the end of the forest, there is a cliff, and no im not jumping off, even though i should, i can see the city from up there

I liked to go out at night alone, it calms me down and i haven't done this since, Forever

A car zoomed by and i swear i've seen that Car before but i don't know who it belonged to

I look up and see the forest was still pretty Far and sighed
I hate Walking but i didn't really care right now

My phone started ringing, i looked down to see it was Daniel

Oh shit

I pick up and slowly bring it up to my ear

"Hey Bright -he paused letting out a sigh- where are you?"
"I.im not home, i just left" i said quietly
"Yea, um, can we meet up, i.i really need to see you, please"
"Sure, where do you wanna meet?" Why would he want to see me
"That river, near the little park"
"Y.yea sure, i'll see you there"

I hung up and squeezed my eyes shut, im scared

I turn and start speed-walking to the river


As i was near i could see Daniel, he was looking all over the place before he spotted me

I let out a shaky sigh and started to slowly walk towards him

When i made it to him, he quickly pulled me into a hug
I wrapped my arms around his torso and closed my eyes

His breathe tickled my neck but i was fine, kind of, He rubbed my shoulder with his thumb while his other hand gripped onto my other shoulder

I could honestly say this is one of the best hugs i have ever gotten, and im very thankful

We stayed in each others Embrace for a while just enjoying each others Company

I didn't need anything else right now, i didn't feel the need to complain

I tightened my grip not wanting to let go
Daniel did the same, softly kissing my shoulder and going back to laying his head where it was before

Then, the sky went white for a second, Lightning
I laid my head on Daniel's shoulder, closing my eyes

I don't care if it rained at this point, and if it did and we kissed, we can replay the scene from the notebook

'I Love You' thats all that went through my head
A simple 'i love you'

My arms slowly let go of Daniel and so did his

As we backed away, i didn't make eye contact with him
I was too nervous

"Bright, look at me.."

I want to, but i cant, my body just wont let me

Daniel grabbed my chin and lifted my head up
As soon as i made eye contact with him i felt weak

"I love you" He said putting a strand of hair behind my ear

"I love you too.."

he smiled, and with that, i felt my belly turn upside down

He grabbed my hand and started walking
I don't know where but we just walked

"Since when...did you love me?" Daniel asked

"Well, I guess the beginning of November, now its almost over so, pretty long"

I saw Daniel smiling which made me giggle

"Where are you taking me?" I asked

I nodded and the whole walk was silence, a good one

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