~First Day of Hell- I mean School~

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I step into my home room, nervous as hell, I hate being the center of attention. I would rather just be on the slide lines. Somewhere I can never be judged at or gossiped about. That wish is only a dream.

"Ah, I see it's our new student. Please take a seat and listen.", The teacher looked nice enough to not be a bitch, she looked young and still happy. That's nice...

I nod quickly and walk to my seat, ignoring everyone around me, feeling their eyes stab into me. I could almost wince at it. As I sit down on my chair all the students bring their attention back to the teacher as she starts talking again, this was my chance to scope out the kids in this room.

Nothing out of ordinary really. I can already see who is who. What do I mean by that? Well, you know, the bolded labels on everyone's head. Bad kids, geeks, populars, shy/quiet ones... all if it was obvious but I can't yet judge a book by its cover so I revert my eyes back to the teacher, which I found out her name is Mrs. White, huh. Classic.

  "Okay class, we are going to the gymnasium so you all can help your clubs/sport team and introduce the freshman and see if any would like to join! Oh and I almost forgot. Olivia here skipped a grade so she will also be looking for a club or sport to join, just a reminder to everyone!" Mrs. White announced to everyone, as she turned away to erase the chalk broad, I could feel everyone look at me. Shit... Why the hell did she have to that? I mean it would be weird for a sophomore to be looking for a club or sport to join but... still! I kinda do a small smile to everyone and they look away quickly to discuss it with their friends. Hmm, people most likely don't skip grades in this school or something because everyone's looking at me with interested looks like I did some kind of magic that's impossible...

Everyone gets up slowly and we all grab our stuff and start heading out the door, into the hallway. I just follow everyone to the gym so I don't get lost. I'm speechless. It's fucking huge! It at least goes 3 stories high. Damn. As everyone is filling up the gym I start looking up at the signs to see if something catches my eye... hmmm... Wait, is there a swimming sport!? I love swimming and it seems fun too... Well. I'm joining the swim team now. I walk over to the sport's panel and luckily there is no one is line. Behind the table are two females and one male. Two seem to be familiar. One of girls is from my home room and the guy is.. Alec? Wow, my day just got fucking better, it's too late now I'm already in line. "Hey! You're the one who skipped a grade? That's pretty cool! So, you are thinking of joining us?" Said the girl from my class. She reminded of one of those e-girls if she put on the makeup and clothes. You might be asking me why, well, her hair. It's so fricken cute. I mean like it's a cute pastel pink color and it's medium length and I say that if she styled it right she could literally be a anime character... or a e-girl. Anyways. "Oh yeah heh, I am interested in joining." I say as confidently as I could. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Alec staring at me, very shocked. I couldn't tell about what though... it's either about me skipping a grade or that I want to join swim team. I even saw a tint of pink in his cheeks, ohh I see what going on here... he likes pink hair girl! Pftsssss I wanted to laugh so hard, it's probably cause I'm talking to his little crush heh. "You really want to join? That's great!" She says excitedly, she quickly grabs a packet from the table and hands it to me. "Okay so in here will be all the information you need to join and a few extra stuff as well! I hope you make it on the team Olivia!!" She smiles and waves goodbye. Well I can already tell she is a very nice person with lots of energy. I do the same but only a small wave and smile. I walk off and wait until the event is over.

  I figure out where all my classes and head home for the day since it was a early day off too. That was a pretty great first day of school! I think I'll enjoy it there for awhile. Now, time for naps.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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