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Your P.O.V

You woke up in your bedroom at home.

You were alone.

Soft sunlight was streaming in through the partly open blinds. It must have been some time in the morning.

You tried to sit up and winced. You might not have been directly injured, but your body was in pain from the extended hours spent on the cold, damp floor.

The door to the bedroom opened and your husband stood in front of you.

"You're awake," He said, walking quickly towards you and setting down the tray of food he was carrying.

You cocked your head to one side, "Is that for me?"

The question threw him off, "What?"

"The food," You clarified, "Were you bringing that in for me?"

"Oh." His eyes softened, "Yes. I thought you might be hungry."

Your eyes widened and you blinked at him, confused.


He bit his bottom lip, "Why... what?"

"Why did you bring it in for me? Why didn't you ask Mi Na to do it for you?"

You weren't trying to give him a hard time. But you couldn't understand his actions.

"Because you deserve it." He sat at the edge of the bed, "Because I am an asshole who certainly does not deserve you. And because... I want to be the kind of husband who does things like this."

You were sure your mouth couldn't open any further. You stared at him in shock.

"What are you talking about?"

Taehyung ran a hand through his hair, "When Xiumin took you away from me, I realised what a complete moron I've been. Pushing you away because somehow I thought it was easier for the both of us. I don't want you us to fight like that again. I don't want you to have to doubt my feelings for you, when you seem so sure about what you feel for me. Y/N, love is a risk in our world, but it's a risk I'm willing to take."

His words felt like fresh water, washing away all your insecurities.

You watched him carefully, heart pounding against your ears. Were you dreaming? Was this real?

Your bottom lip trembled, "Do you mean it?"

He groaned loudly, leaning forward and taking your face in his hands, "Of course I mean it." He rolled his eyes almost playfully, "I think for the first time in my life, I understand what it means to want to take care of someone. I never want to see you hurt again, Y/N. I want to protect you for the rest of our lives."

And then, you were crying.

Heart-wrenching sobs that racked your entire body.

Taehyung pulled you towards him, and you realised that this was the first time your husband was hugging you. He ran a hand through your hair, kissing your brow and wiping away your tears.

"Please don't cry anymore," He whispered, "I can't take it when I make you cry."

"These are happy tears," You told him, "I promise."

And then he kissed you.

His lips pressed to yours softly and as always, you yielded under his power.

The kiss was charged with nothing but the need to express to each other how deep your feelings ran. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer towards you, needing more.

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