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The next morning, I was expecting to sleep in, but Conner came knocking at my door, holding a paper bag that smelt delicious.

​"Good morning beautiful, I got us bacon and egg burgers from McDonald's."
​"Thank you," I said, walking to the kitchen to get plates.

I was eating my burger and trying to act normal, but I couldn't get Sarah's words out of my head 'they're all lying to you'. I found it hard to believe that Connor would lie to me, I also had trouble looking him in the eye.

​"Is everything ok, Isabella? You look a little flustered this morning," he asked.
​"Yeah I'm fine it's just that I didn't sleep very well.
​"Maybe you need to have a break from this assignment," he suggested.
​"Yeah, I think you are right. Maybe I need a couple of days' rest," I said.
​After we finished our burgers, Conner left, telling me to rest and that he would come back in two days. He gave me a goodbye kiss, and I had trouble returning the passion. I still trusted him but I needed to work things out before relaxing with him entirely. I was hoping Sarah was wrong and that Connor had no idea what Nigel was doing at this academy.

​The next day I saw Sarah at training and teamed up with her in the medicine ball throw, so we could talk without it looking obvious.  I told her I was supposed to get my injection from the doctor this evening.
​"What are you going to do about that?" she asked.
​"I don't know, but I am not going to let him inject me."
​"I'll think of something," she said and I'll meet you at his rooms."
​Before I left training, Nigel stopped me
"Remember agent one you have Doctor Dan today for your injection."
Hearing him say this angered me so I thought why not freak him out.
"I'm really tired today Nigel I think I might get it tomorrow or next week sometime."

​"Agent 1, do not put this off. You are to keep your appointment," he said insistently. Then realising he was being a bit forceful, his manner changed and he said, "You want to get your memory back, don't you?"
​"I don't really mind anymore, Nigel."
​"Well, I do," he said firmly. "It is important."
​"Why?" I asked.
​"Just do as I order, agent 1, or it will be a night in the den for you."
​He was so determined and I realised after what I had read in my file so far, that it was important to him that I not remember anything, but why?
​"Okay," I said giving up.

​Seven o'clock this evening after dinner, I walked to the doctor's rooms.
​When I was outside his door, I waited for Sarah to turn up. We hadn't had a chance to talk further, but I acknowledged her with a certain look before I left the cafeteria, so she knew this was where I would be. Ten minutes went by.
​Suddenly the door opened.

​"Oh, hi Doctor Dan."
​"I was just about to send out a search party for you," he said with a grin. "Come in."
​I didn't have an option. I walked to his examination table and sat whilst he got my injection ready. My palms were starting to sweat. I really needed to find a way out of this situation but my time was running out.

​"Lay down, Agent 1."
​"Um," I said, trying to stall, and hoping Sarah would turn up. "Can I talk to you before you inject me?"
​"Of course."
​"Um, do I really need to continue getting this injection? I mean, it hasn't worked for six years so why are still trying?"
​His face reddened and for a second he was lost for words.
​"Ah, we live in hope that it will work eventually," he said.
​"But I don't mind about not having my memory, this is my life now I don't need to remember my old one."
​"I am afraid I must insist," he said. And, any friendliness, that he had towards me, disappeared.
​"Agent 1, I have had a long day and I have purposely waited back to treat you. Do not make my job more difficult or I will report your behaviour to Nigel."

​It's funny a few days ago that threat would have scared me, I would have done anything to have Nigel's respect but now, now I couldn't think of anything worse.

​He was glaring at me hoping the threat of telling Nigel would make me do as I was told.
All my life I trusted him thinking he was a friend to me but he was just a liar. All of a sudden my anger took over and I swung at Doctor Dan punching him in the side of his head. The force of the punch caused him to slump to the floor unconscious. I sat there looking at the unconscious doctor and was surprised by my own reaction.

​There was a knock on the door. I panicked, but it was Sarah.
When she entered the room and saw unconscious doctor Dan she looked at me confused
"umm whoops" was all that I said.
All small grin formed on her face but it then left as she just stood there in deep thought.
​"Right," she said, "we need to move fast in case he regains consciousness."
​"I think he will be out for a while, I got right on his temple."
"Ok good but we still need to get him out of here."
​"There is a back door that leads down a ramp to his parking spot," I said.
​"We'll take him out that way then," she said. "Bring your drug treatment with you."
​"I have an idea."

​She locked the door, grabbed the doctor's keys and between us we carried him to his car, sliding him into the back seat.
​She jumped into the driver's seat and we took off.
​"Where are we going?" I asked as we drove along.
​"We are going to inject him so it will be him not remembering anything for a month, and then we will dump him in one of the suburbs. And I know just the place." She said sinfully.

I injected doctor Dan with my medicine as Sarah parked his car in a street. Then when nobody was looking we both carried his body out of the car and dumped him in the entryway of a brothel.
We then started walking home while not being able to stop laughing.

When we got back, Sarah broke into his room again and put the empty phial and needle in the bin beside his desk.
Why did you do that?" I asked.
​"By doing this, if Nigel goes poking his nose around, he will see that you had your injection before our dear doc went visiting the brothel."
​She really did think of everything.

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