"Why..." OX wailed. "Who could've done this..."

Moxy was helpless. She comforted her friend and embraced him.

"I'm sorry, OX..." she said.

But soon, Moxy's face lit up, and she frowned.

"Mayor OX," said Moxy firmly. "There's only one answer to this question."

OX, with deep sorrow in his eye, looked up at Moxy, as he weakly got hold of his pen.


"Moxy, are you sure this is safe?" OX asked her as they walked through the now dark tunnel towards the Institute of Perfection.

"Trust me, my friend." Moxy replied. "I'm gonna get your sister back!"

Shrugging, OX lit up his pen as Moxy got hold of her magnifying glass. Their adventure starts today.

It took them quite a while to reach their destination, as they had to stop to take a short break.

As they rested, Moxy asked OX.

"So, when are you going to fix your lights..." Moxy panted.

"Maybe after we got home..." OX replied, also panting.

Moxy signalled as the both of them sneaked into the institute. They acted calmly and casually as they looked for the suspect.

"Something tells me this is going to turn out horrible..." OX said with fear.

"Nah, it's going to be fine..." Moxy replied. "He's gotta be here somewhere!"

The both of them then passed by the Gauntlet.

"OX, let's get down to business!" Moxy said with a smirk as they tiptoed towards there.


"Stupid, STUPID ugly dolls!" Lou complained as he furiously mopped the Gauntlet once more. "They caused this. It's their fault that I have to do this twice a week- They'll pay for this! OW!!!"

Lou shrieked as the robot dog bit his right arm.

Suddenly, Lou felt a weird headache, something he has never felt before.

"What happened..." Lou mumbled, holding his head.

"There he is! Get him!"

Before Lou could react, he was being put in a sack...

<*COMPLETED*> UglyDolls- Dear SisterWhere stories live. Discover now