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+82 *** ****

coups: help

coups: ack

jihoon: what?

jihoon: are you okay?

jihoon: should i call the police? or an ambulance?


jihoon: hey???

jihoon: are you there?

jihoon: im starting to get worried


jihoon: istg if you're just pranking me i'll block you forever


jihoon: dude are you okay??

Jihoon scrunched his eyebrows at his phone.

'What the heck is happening to Coups? Is he okay? Should he really start calling the authorities?'

'Wait, but what if Coups was the one in wrong? What if he called the authorities and turns out Coups was hiding a body? Then he gets turned in too because he was talking to him?'

'Oh god, was he talking to someone dangerous after all? I mean who in their right mind would even believe that "secret admirers" are still a thing?'

'Then why talk to him in the first place? Oh my god maybe he was hacking my phone thru talking and was waiting for me to take nudes so that he could spread it around camp—' Jihoon's thoughts was suddenly interrupted when he bumped into a wall— no a man.

"Watch where you're going. Eyes on the hallway not on your phone." The guy he bumped into irritatedly said.

'Someone must've pissed on his breakfast today.' Jihoon mentally rolled his eyes. He looked up to stare at the man, yes a man, and suddenly shrunk at his feet.

'God dammit, it has to be the President.' He mentally slapped his face.

"I'm sorry." He murmured under his breath, he didn't think that President Choi heard it but I guess he did since he lifted up his hands and...

Patted Jihoon's head?

Jihoon looked at the man, surprised and confused at the same time, whilst Seungcheol was just looking at his head still patting it, he looks flushed and dazed.

'What the fck is happening right now?' Jihoon can't move on his place since the President's hands is still on his head and the mood is getting kinda awkward according to Jihoon's mind.

Seungcheol must've snapped on his daydream for he quickly retracted his hands and walked away.

'Well, that was weird...' Jihoon lifted up his hand and placed it on top of his head, the spot where Seungcheol was patting earlier. '...and warm'.

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