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This is my first posting on wattpad so plz plz take it easy on me I dont mind people critacising my work just dont steal or make fun of it also if their are some spelling or grammer mistake I am truly sorry I edited as much as I can at this moment if you see any post a comment plz. also pic to the side is Drew!!!!

form Ashton15


High school: a prison discised as an "educational facility for teens" well at least that's what my brother Drew thinks. The Oak ward Grey Academy for higher learning  or (the occward gay academy for higher learning as some people call it) it's a normal high school, it has sport teams and clubs and teachers who don't give a damn about us and only are there until they have their retirement or the summer to themselves. If that's not charming enough you should see the halls their a pale red grungy brick walls with gray tiles for flooring with a dirty double window every 8 feet or so. The lockers where the color of the pale sky  on the lockers was the schools emblem a horse bucking to the left and a tiger roaring to the right with a capital O over a W and a D so all in all a horrible learning environment for kids but that nothing companied to the social groups like the  jocks they smell like a sweaty sock that's been left in a hobos pocket for the last three years. Also there are the Goths the ones who always seem to wear black and have more holes in their ears then well let's just say for lack of a better word or words then should be. Then there are the "nerds", the smart people the ones who will make something of their life or commonly known as the geeks, freaks or non chick magnets, but I don't really belong to a group and that's fine by me loners aren't the one who get loured into a death trap at least not most of the time.  Well that's high school for you a doomed society of geeks freaks and jockstraps,  O ya I should mention the school has a 9 foot tall fences and men in towers with guns watching anything that comes close enough to attack so yep just a normal high school. Welcome to Oak Ward Grey Academy for Higher Learning! hope you live awhile.

I slammed my locker shut and headed to class forcing myself not to get distracted or to look anyone in the eyes. There was another attack last night the cops found the body ravaged almost unrecognisable, though the only ID they could get from the victim was that it was a young male around my age (16). No one came to file a report for a missing person for the victim that was typical the law around here was if you went missing you where dead! So the cops had no lead on who it was which means their all crawling around this place searching for kids who don't turn up it happens about every week or so one of us goes missing or moves to a safer city or even dies due to those monsters, creatures blood suckers. Now that summers coming the demons are stirring it's their favourite time of year because teens and adults out past twilight drunk, parting, or even just taking a stroll it seems just seems like a free for all blood bath to them despicable. But at least those innocent people have some protection not from the cops or from the government but from the true heroes of this country the mysterious and dangerous the venantium or the Suco's Vadasz as they commonly go by. Their an ancient race of hunters and warriors that kill the demons that roam around this unforsaken planet in hopes that humanity can overcome this plague. Unfortunately you have to be born with the privilege of being a Vadasz it's not something you can earn or join which sucks for me and my bro Drew who aren't in the Vadasz's blood line as far as we know. But that doesn't stop some people like my dad, he died fighting the vamps with my aunt and uncle Halyard now all we are left with a broken family and an ungrateful cousin and a mom who has seen and done too much with little respect in return. O ya my names Daron I'm 16 and have an older twin brother named Drew our life truly sucks.

            While I was rushing to class because I knew the bell would ring any second with my shit luck. I almost missed the high pitched screech of my little annoying brat of a cousin Ashton I Uhhg not today, not now!

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