chapter 2

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(Age 6 and 8*they were 4 and 6*)

It's been a year since the uchiha's adopted naruto, and he's been happy ever since they adopted him, but as Sasuke became 7...the uchiha's were slaughtered... One by one... But, they did not kill Naruto and Sasuke, the person who killed them all, was... Itachi.... There older brother, he had to kill them... If he didn't... Then danzo would take all they're sharingan, even the children who never got theirs yet died, they all agreed to make Itachi take there lives instead of giving there own powers to danzo.

Sasuke and Naruto were walking back to the uchiha coumpound until they found there aunts, uncles, cousins, on the floor, dead, Naruto stared at the blood in horror and started to cry but Sasuke just carried Naruto"sleep Naru it's fine I'll wake you up when this nightmare is over okay?"said Sasuke in a soothing voice(damn this child knows romance)"o-ok Sasu...."said Naruto drifting of into sleep he still had some tears until raven licked it away.

Sasuke kept walking to there home, to see his parents dead on the floor, he had tears in his eyes but refuses to even let one single tear fall"well hello brother"said a voice he looked up to see who it was and it was his brother"Itachi....!"said Sasuke backing off and tightend his grip to Naruto to protect him"why did you do this?!"said Sasuke mixed with an angered and sadness voice"why? Because I wanted to test my powers, but all of them were to weak to even beat me, even our old man had no chance of beating me so I killed all of them, but if you want to kill me for revenge you have to hate me,"said Itachi 'Sasuke don't listen to me!' "I already do hate you" Said Sasuke as he blacked out"I'm sorry..."said Itachi and looked at Naruto and woke him up"Naruto.... Naruto..."said Itachi and Naruto woke up "i-i-itachi-ni...? What a-are you doing here... All of our aunts uncles and cousins died! And where is mom, and dad?!" Said Naruto panicking"Naruto.. Naruto calm down please... I did all of this..."said Itachi in sadness"but w-why? I thought...."said Naruto "don't let danzo near Sasuke when he gets his sharingan, please don't tell him just protect him please..." Said Itachi now crying"ofc, I will protect him"said Naruto "thank you Naruto I have to go... I'll see you in the near future"Itachi said as he disappeared, but as he disappeared he looked at his dead adoptive parents and cried.

He was a crying mess he then saw Sasuke and woke him up, " Sasu... Our mom and dad...they're dead...!"said Naruto crying louder "I know, I know atleast we have each other we'll both be fine, and I will protect you, no matter what"Said Sasuke kissing naruto's forehead "come on let's go to the hokage"" Alright...".

As three days passed all of the uchiha's were buried and a lot of people went there Sasuke cried a little while Naruto cried alot and it was raining.

(A year passed)
A year passed and Sasuke is still very over protective and is still living in the uchiha coumpound, Naruto was barely happy for the pass couple months when the uchiha's died, and Sasuke tried cheering him up and it always worked but the next day he was sad again but was always cheered up"I'll tell him when he's older"said Sasuke determined"tell who?"asked Naruto innocently"n-no one Naruto come on let's go to school"said Sasuke as he hugged his younger 'brother' Sasuke doesn't want Naruto to be brother but as a lover, but Naruto is to innocent and young to have that kind of a relationship.

"But sasu-ni there's no school, it's Saturday" Said Naruto"oh... Oh well, do you wanna watch a movie?"said Sasuke, smirking at the idea but never showed it"uhm.. Sure! You get to pick onii-san"said Naruto smilling"Naruto you can just call me Sasuke or sasu or even sasu-nii"said Sasuke being brother zoned"o-ok"said Naruto sitting beside Sasuke"okay, so what should we watch? Ooh.. I know"said Sasuke and put the DVD on the TV and it started to play"naru do you wanna sit on my lap?"(woah there Sasuke keep your little friend there on a leash) "ofc sasu" Said Naruto smilling and sat on sasukes lap and stared at the tv.

Sasuke rested his neck on naruto's head for support, as the more scary part in the movie began, Naruto suddenly flipped himself facing Sasuke instead of the tv"naru-dobe you okay?"said Sasuke, as he smirked in his mind"i-i-im fine sasu!"said Naruto in a bit of a scared tone "eeeeek!" Said Naruto as he hugged the taller male tightly, Sasuke hugged back"Naruto we can stop it if you want"said Sasuke "i-its fine sasuke! We can keep watching" Said Naruto trying not to ruin the mood, but Squicked as it got more scarier"okay that's it were going to sleep"said Sasuke as he carried Naruto bridal style and walked upstairs to their room"goodnight naru"said Sasuke as he placed Naruto on the bed and kissed his cheek.

"N-no wait!" Said Naruto as he stopped Sasuke from walking any further"what is it naru?"said sasuke"can you sleep with me?"said Naruto shyly"ofc dobe why shouldn't i?"said Sasuke and hugged Naruto while he layed down on the bed and watched Naruto fall asleep.

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