chapter 3

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(Still the same age as the last chapter)

A few days passed and Naruto was asked out by a boy name zuko (I made him up) but then he got beaten up by non other than uchiha sasuke himself.

"Sasu-ni i-i feel bad f-for him" Said Naruto in a scared voice"don't be Naru he deserves it"said sasuke trying to calm the younger boy"i-if you say s-so but a-atleast we h-have to apologize".

"Fine...." Said sasuke as he groand "hey you! The guy I beat up to pulp!" Sasuke said in an angry voice, the boy zuko turned around and got scared as he saw the uchiha "wh-what do you want!" Said zuko in a more scared tone "if you ever talk to Naruto I will beat you to pulp!" Said sasuke in a very demonic tone"y-y-y-yes sasuke!"said zuko "z-zuko-san h-hes apologizing, th-this is how he apologize, and I'm sorry as well" Said Naruto bowing in a manner way"Naru let's go"said Sasuke as he dragged the small blonde with him"sasu goodjob"said Naruto as he tiptoed and kissed sasukes cheek, Sasuke was smirking but frowned because Naruto did not kiss him on the lips instead.

Today was their test on how to throw their kunai at the target.

"Uchiha Sasuke please step up in front of the target and hit it with these kunai's" Said iruka-sensei"hn"said Sasuke and took the kunaid which iruka-sensei was holding a second ago.

Sasuke put a kunai on his index finger and closed one eye to see the target and then a second later all of the three kunai's which Sasuke was holding dissapeared and it was all now in the red of the target.

"W-wow sasuke-kun you passed to A++" Said iruka-sensei marking he's result, all of the girls had hearts in the eyes and Naruto was smilling"good job sasu-ni I"said Naruto smilling brightly, Sasuke smiled (tried) and hugged the small blonde"thanks to you dobe"said Sasuke "it's not" Said Naruto"well it is.."said sasuke under he's breath"Naruto uzumaki it's your turn" Iruka said and then Naruto nodded hesitantly and went to the front and took the kunai then tree three of then once.

One hit the middle of the target the one on the top and bottom"good job Naruto you got an A!"he said and smilled, "yay!" Naruto said happily and kept jumping like an idiot till he felt arms on his waist and was carried like a potato sack by the one and only sasuke uchiha "sasu-nii what's wrong?" He asked innocently "well it's time to go to lunch" Said sasuke "but everyone isn't done" "Yes they are look" Pointed the uchiha where everone was now leaving.

'It was that fast?' Thought the blonde confusedly. "Okay everyone! It's time to go home!" Iruka-sensei then yelled as all of the kids then started to run to they're parents, Naruto looked at them with a sad look but was also happy that he had sasuke"Let's go Naruto" Sasuke said.

"Okay, thank you sasu-nii" Said Naruto while hugging sasuke by the waist(cause he so smol and adorable).

"Naru you want ramen?" Asked sasuke "REALLY?! OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! SASU-NII!" said Naruto while kissing he cheeks and started to run at ichiraku ramen and left sasuke dumbfounded but was also smirking and started to follow Naruto.

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