♪اِسْتِقْبَالُ اَلْطَّلَبَات♪ ♪Orders♪

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♪مَرْحَبًا بِكُمْ فِي مَتْجَرِ اَلسِّحْر♪
RK فِي خِدْمَتِكُمْ

لِسُوءِ اَلْحَظِّ حَدَثَ عُطْلٌ لِمُسْتَقْبِلِ اَلطَّلَبَاتِ لِذَا تَرَاكَمَتْ عَلَى اَلْمُصَمِّمِ اَلْأَعْمَال، لِذَا يُرْجَى اَلطَّلَبُ هُنَا 🥀

نَعْتَذِرُ مِنْكُمْ لِهَذَا اِلْخَطَإِ اَلْفَادِحِ~

نَتَمَنَى مِنْكُم اَلدَّعْم♪

مَعَ حُبِّي


♪Hello! And welcome to "The Magic Shop"♪

Rk is here for you!

Sadly something  went wrong with the requests and that made an
Accumulation on the cover designer, so please requests here 🥀

We are so sorry for that~

Thank you for the support♪


Roller Coaster Graphics 《J•Lynn》حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن