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Luke, Michael, Ashton, Calum, Angelique, Mack and Melanie, all were drunken teens. There curiosity, got to them.

Angelique slumped down over the yellow"Do not enter" tape which surrounded the huge hole. She slide down the huge hole on her butt; the others followed her actions.

"Haven't you guys ever heard the saying 'Curiosity killed the cat'?" Mack said, she was a bit scared, considering all her life she has been obsessed over Alien Confict documentaries, and alien abductions.

"Mack, calm down, it's not like we are going to get abducted by aliens." Calum snorted, as he through his beer bottle somewhere.

They were all curious, curious of what landed here a few days ago, they haven't gotten a chance to check it out considering there were police and other people there; but checking it out right now seemed like a great time since they wanted to have fun and go on a adventure. This "space rock" was the talk of the town, some say it was aliens signaling us the world will becoming to a end soon, or a sign from god saying we will be having an alien abduction or whatever. But the teens were curious of what lies in this ginormous hole.

"Holy shit this hole is deep." Luke mumbled.

"Something is also very deep in your mom." Ashton said, earning a high five from Angelique.

"Some how that made sense but then again didn't." Melanie said shaking her head.

Now they were all standing in the middle of the huge crater.

"Wow, this is cool." Michael said in Awe.

"Look around for something UN human like." Mack said.

"I'm pretty sure they took everything." Ashton stated. And it was true, they took everything, all the unusual rocks, and the huge metal rock that made this huge crater they were currently standing in.

"Not everything..." Melanie whispered, in shock. Everyone turn to what she was starring at. The rock was an unusual bright green, the rock made you want to touch it.

Mack bent down slowly leaning to touch it, before she can touch it, Angelique slapped her hand "What if it's radioactive." She hissed.

"Who cares." Calum said. He bent down and swiftly picked it up. The rock was a medium size and a bright neon glowing green.

"Give it to me." Angelique said, Calum ignored her, but she took it from him.

"Woah.." She said, she moved it around, as she stared in awestruck.

Luke took it from her and followed her actions, then Ashton, Michael, Mack, and finally Melanie.

"What should we do with it?" Mack asked in a whisper, still kinda shocked.

"I want to keep it." Angelique said.

"No, I do." Luke said shoving Angelique lightly.

Calum rolled his eyes, "We can split it." He said. He threw the rock down with all his strength, the rock splitted in pieces. They all grabbed one and left the other three pieces there.

"It has so much energy it's so cool." Michael said, they nodded in agreement.

"Guys we have to go." Angelique said. "We might get caught." They listened and left the creator.

Little did they know, by touching that glowing rock will make them develop marvelous but some what evil powers.

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