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Author's Notes: I have added on to this chapter after an idea hit me and so that things in future fics will make more sense.

Translations: Bento - Like a packed lunch. Food can be put in specialized Bento boxes or in regular storage containers.

Gyudon - A Japanese beef bowl. A comfort food of beef served with eggs, onions, and rice.
Shio Koji Karaage - Japanese fried chicken, seasoned with Shio Koji, a condiment.
Tamagoyaki - Japanese rolled omelette.

zanagi and Izanami - A divine god and goddess couple that came to Earth from the heavens on a rainbow and created the islands of Japan.
Itadakimasu - Translated to "I humbly receive" and most often said before eating, but can be used when receiving anything.

Fūrin - A Japanese wind chime that that generally has a glass bowl -shaped "bell" and a string that hangs down from inside with a piece paper attached with which causes the chiming when it blows in the wind. Zetsu is the name of the "clapper" or piece of metal that is tied to the string and makes the chiming sound. The Tanzaku, or the paper, hangs below the zetsu.

Italics - Thoughts


"What kind of Bento would you like?" Asuka asked laying out all the ingredients she had picked up. They had just returned from their impromptu ice skating date and now they were preparing for the picnic she had planned to have. Shinsuke offered to help, so she suggested they make each other's bentos.

Her boyfriend's face became thoughtful as he looked over the assortment of proteins, vegetables, fruits, grains, and seasonings.

"How about Gyudon? I must admit, it's one of my all-time favorites," he said.

"Gyudon, huh?" she smiled confidently. "I think I can definitely make that work."

"And you, what would you like?"

"Shio Koji Karaage, if you please."

Shinsuke chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. "I've never made that before, but for you, I'll try."

"That's all I ask of you," she reassured, tossing him an apron before putting on one of her own. Shinsuke lifted a brow at the frilly floral printed garment but shrugged and slipped it on anyway.

Seeing him in the apron, Asuka couldn't resist leaning up to kiss him.

"What was that for?" he asked, sounding amused.

"It's customary in America to kiss the cook."

"Oh right." He smirked. "But being that we're both cooks, shouldn't you receive equal treatment?"

She stood straight and looked him in the eye, putting her hands on her hips for good measure. "I'm not stopping you, am I?"

An "eep" of shock escaped her when Shinsuke suddenly hoisted her up. They were face to face now, her feet dangling several inches. Her arms flew around his neck to secure herself.

"Hey—" her words were cut off as he began peppering her face with kisses, quickly dissolving her protest into giggles.

He saved her lips for last, slanting his mouth over hers after a few beats for a deeper taste. A soft sound escaped her throat and he gladly swallowed it down. She was about to wrap her legs around his waist when he slowly lowered her back to her feet.

"There," he told her, thumb caressing her kiss-swollen lower lip. "The cooks have been kissed. Now it is time to get to the cooking."

Asuka had to will herself not to catch his thumb between her teeth. Couldn't they kiss just a little bit longer? She really liked kissing Shinsuke.

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