Chapter 2

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The chapter is dedicated to Storylive123456  for all her support

{Layla's Pov }

"Layla Louisiana Roberts Daniel, If you do not Bring your ass downstairs right now, birthday or not I will grab my tongues " My mum shouted threateningly up the staircase.

"Okay Okay Maman I am coming, but I will not be happy nor will I smile at all or interact with anyone today" I replied whilst rolling my eyes and stamping down the stairs.

It was currently time for us to leave the house and head over to the party and I decided if they were going to force me to go to this like a disobedient 5 years old then I am going to behave like one and believe me it has not been easy. First I refused to get out of bed and after my mums shouting and complaining, just when I thought she had given up, she came back with a big cold bucket of ice water and dumped it all over me. Next, I tried ruining my dress and shoes by dumping them in the pond outside then rolling round in the forest with it on, when she saw it I thought for sure I had her. But boy was I wrong, out of thin air she reappeared with an even better dress and shoes to match in my exact size with even a matching purse this time. So now I had resorted to the oldest trick I could think of and was just throwing a big ole good tantrum.

"You know how important this event is today Ma belle fille. Please just behave, the sooner we get there the quicker it will be over bien?"

"Alright alright, Maman if you insist but we leave as soon as it's over and I'm wearing my trainers with my dress" I replied whilst pulling out my all-white airforce 1s and putting them on.

" Just try not to draw any attention to yourself whilst we are there it's still not 100 per cent safe for us. "

"Yeah, I know to stick with you and dad all night, keep my head down and only speak when spoken to got it, " I said finally walking down the stairs. "So what do you think? Am I stunning" I said twirling around so they could see the dress properly

"Darling you look stunning as always, no matter what you wear" My dad replied whilst kissing my head.

"I personally think the heels would have looked much better, I Don't understand why you just won't wear them"

"Dad tells her she's doing it again " I whined.

" I think you both look stunning no matter what you both wear, now let's get going or we will be late "

" I was just saying it wouldn't kill her to dress like a proper lady for once every girl likes wearing heels" She replied rolling her eyes whilst walking towards the car.

Time Skip to party

I walked into the large hall and looked around the hall was lit up with little golden lights hanging from the ceiling. There were round tables everywhere, people were everywhere laughing, talking, drinking and just having a good time overall. The floor was a mixture of grey and white marble, the tables had been draped in white table cloths and there were thin golden polls running from the ceiling to the floor. It truly looked like a party meant for royalty and let me tell you I have never felt so out of place in my life. When I was first coming I had worried I was too overdressed for the event but looking around at everyone in their expensive suits and dress I felt horribly undressed. Maybe I should have just listened to my mum and put the heels on like I was supposed to have to begin with.

Walking further into the hall whilst still in a trance I walked right into someone causing me to fall right on my bum. Slowly getting up and wiping my dress off I looked up to see who was the cause my embarrassing fall to see a beautiful paring of dark chocolate eyes staring back at me angrily.

"Watch where you walk " He hissed at me

"Well next time you watch where you're going after all if you were you would have walked around me idioté, now if you excuse me since you are clearly not going to apologise I have better things to do than stand here and argue with a home infant," I replied rolling my eyes whilst walking away from the beautiful chocolate man standing in front of me.

I could not believe the cheek of this guy, we were both to blame if he was looking where he was going we wouldn't have collided and then he thought it was okay to talk to me like that nu uh I don't think so. He was stunning though I know wolves have good genes that man was truly beautiful it was like he had been handcrafted carefully by God himself. On the other hand, he acted and looked completely like he was entitled to anything he wanted. Meeting him completely reminded me of why head. these type of events, everyone who attends them is rich, entitled and stuck up. Which makes for a very horrible personality if you ask me. They have probably never had to work a day in there life. Being in this party was starting to get depressing, I looked around trying to find a door or some kind of escape from this hell. My eyes briefly glanced over these pair of large golden handle doors. I guess that will have to do I thought to myself.

Quickly walking to the door and slipping through it. I looked around and it seemed I appeared to be in some sort of dedication chamber. I walked over to the desk using my sleeve wiping off the dust on the picture I picked it up and took a closer look.

The person in the picture looked like they were about 7 years old. She had her hair packed into two cute little buns on either side of her head.
She was standing next to this boy who looked not much older than her smiling at him whilst he was smiling at the camera. I saw a glimmer of silver in the background so I leaned in further to try to inspect it when suddenly I heard a deep voice behind me.

"What do you think you are doing in here?"

So guys please don't kill me I had this chapter already written and ready to go but I completely forgot to upload it 😭😭 I know I know I'm such a Baka 🤦🏾‍♀️ (Anime anyone?) Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Who do you think that was that came in?

Who's the little girl and boy in the photo?

This weeks song is Bitch by the plastiscines 😉



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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