Chapter 1

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Chapter dedicated to @Ancientt without her I would not have been inspired to write this.

Photo of Layla above played by Ashley Moore

With every update, I'm going to attach a song of the week just to keep things fun x

{Layla's Pov }

It was late May. The trees were swaying and the wind was dancing with the leaves as I stared up into the navy sky lost in thought. In England, the weather is always quite frosty but today there was an extra chill in the air like it already knew what tomorrow would bring, tomorrow was a day most girls looked forward too, tomorrow was my 18th birthday and unlike most girls my age I was not excited at all. You see for a wolf their 18th Birthday is supposed to be their most important birthday, it was not only the day your wolf would mature but also the time you get would be able to find your mate.

Since our very first ancestors, it is known that every wolf except the king would have a soulmate another wolf that they are bonded with at birth but don't find until they are ready. Your Mate is supposed to look after you and care for you, they basically complete you and make you whole. But Since I'm half-human, half-wolf I don't get a mate. You see my mum is human and she was a maid for a famous lawyer and they fell in love. as it turned out they were second chance mates, it's quite a tragic tale, to be honest. You see my dad had the first mate but she had died from a rogue attack. He loved my mum, but a werewolf and a human being mates were seen as a horrid an absolute abomination to the king at the time. You see in this world Humans are below the wolves and are seen as dirt. The most a Human could aspire to Is to be an assistant to a wealthy businessman or married to one but it is very rare to find a werewolf who would want to marry a human. At least that's what my adoptive parents have told me. My adoptive parents are just like my Mum and Dad. My Mother is a human and my Dad is a werewolf and since they weren't mates it was near to impossible for them to have kids so they had to adopt.

"Layla Prince what did I tell you about staying out in the backyard late" My mother shouted whilst wobbling outside

My mother is French. She moved to London when she was 18 and a couple of years later found my father then soon after they decided to adopt me. She was a busty woman with dark, Curls and Beautiful Green eyes that stood out against her pearly skin, even still being 38 she still looked like she was in her early twenties.

"Ma belle fille, I know you get carried away when you are out there but you know It's not safe for us when it gets dark especially with us living right next to the woods." She said taking a seat next to me.

"I know Maman. Sorry let me grab my book and I will come right in a second" I replied turning to look at her

She smiled and pet my head before standing up and dusting her apron off and walking back inside.

"I guess I should probably go back in before my dad gets back," I said out loud to no one in particular

As I got up and was about to walk inside, I thought I heard a little rustle coming from behind me and turned around to see nothing there. I guess it was my imagination I thought to myself and turned to head back inside.

"Maman is Dad back yet" I shouted as I ran up the stairs

"Oui he is in his office, remember to knock first " She replied. "And let him know dinner will be ready in cinq minutes de plus".

"D'accord" I shouted back before climbing the rest of the steps and knocking on my Dads door.

"Come in" Replied a Deep Voice before I swung the door open and walked in.

"You requested I come to see you before dinner? and Maman said to let you know that dinner is gonna take five more minutes I think she's making pasta"

"Take a seat Layla" he replied barely glancing up from the paper he was reading.

" Did I do something wrong ?" I said as I sat in the chair in front of him. My Dad barely called me by my full name unless I had done something wrong. It was always either Lay or Lala.

" As you know tomorrow is your 18th birthday." He replied finally looking up at me.

"And tomorrow is also the day our King Xavier gets to Make his wish as King and as one of his advisers you and your mother must accompany me to the event tomorrow so make sure to dress up nice " He said going back to reading his paper "and make sure to wear a dress there is no argument with this your coming" He said whilst dismissing me with a wave of his hand.

"But I.."

"I said discussion closed you may leave now"

Slowly I walked to the door before I left I took one glance back at him and as usual he didn't even glance up from his papers, with a renewed anger I did what any 17-year-old girl would do I threw the door open and slammed the door shut then proceeded to stomp all the way to the top floor where my room lay.

"Stupid dad and his Stupid parties with stupid people making me wear stupid dresses" I muttered under my breath before throwing myself unto my bed.

My room is actually quite large, it follows a strict red and black theme with little cushions on the side and a big sofa to lie on in the front and slap down on the middle is a 4 poster bed with my husband Mr Darcy sitting right in the middle of it usually and yes before you all think of me strangely. Mr Darcy is my Teddy half my size which I married when I was 5. It was also the only belonging I had that my birth parents had given me before they abandoning me.

Sometimes I do wonder what they were like and who I would have looked like the most like don't get me wrong I love my parents but I have always wondered what it would have been like if I grew up with my birth parents. But since they clearly are not here I decided to push them out of my mind and focus on the good I have in my life. Like my beautiful, Caring Mother and my Funny annoying Dad. Who I still can't believe is forcing me to go to this stupid werewolf event. Damn, I say stupid a lot. Anyways since I refuse to go back downstairs and interact with them.

I changed into my comfy, old, worn-out grey sweatpants and my trusty oversized Mickey Mouse jumper, switched off my room light and turned my mermaid nightlight on , yeah I know embarrassing right 17 and I still have a nightlight I can't sleep with , I then grabbed my phone wrapped myself in bed opening Wattpad ready to spend the next 4 hours ready to finish this thriller novel I started the other day. Hopefully, tomorrow would be a better day and my day would have come to he's sense and not force me and my mum to go to this stupid event.

But one can only hope I guess we will find out tomorrow.


I know the first chapter is a bit of a bore but don't worry it does get better and more interesting as you read on My next update should be next week Saturday i hope you enjoyed this so far.



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