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I know what the noises are. They are my own screams echoing within the darkness. I wish I could stop but the cold is everywhere.  I think I am the cause of it all. How can I stop this. How can I go back. Can I? I have so many things that I still want to accomplish.  I remember now. I had a daughter.  She was so beautiful. So young.  What happend to her?

Did she cry for me? Please I hope she did not weep. My poor darling, she is my regret. I wish I could tell her I'm sorry. I did not mean to leave her. My baby if you can hear me. Please know I love you?

What are these things falling from my eyes? Tears? I can feel pain again. I feel regret. Does this mean I can be saved? Can I return? To my darling babygirl. Will she remember me? How long have I been here in this darkness?

Other memories are coming back to me. My friends. My mistakes. Oh how horrible I was. So selfish.  Will they forgive me? Oh please please forgive me. I was so wrong. I wish I could take it all back. More pain. More tears. More.....Hunger. oh im so hungry. NO i can not feel pain.  I am dead. That girl is gone. The darkness is safe. The darkness is my home. Just leave me.

Screams so loud.  Make it stop. I belong here. I am a wretched girl. I dont deserve to see the light. But no I have to escape. My baby needs me. Someone please save me.

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